Screenshots Needed for new ETO-PTO Website

Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight

To all,

Which blew up first?

C'mon y'all. We need more good ones. I'll take any you have.
Hi Guys,

A couple of Rhubarb mission shots (ETO), in this case the target of opportunity was a German army train.

regards Rob.
A9V1 Dick

Navy Type S Two Seat Fighter or A8V1 Dick (Seversky 2PA-B3)


20 of these were deployed in the 2nd Sino-Japanese War before the start of WWII.

I have a few more repaints coming. I picked up a copy of Francillon's book "Japanese Aircraft of the Pacific War" last year and have been filling out my PTO install ever since.
:wavey:Would be nice if some kind painter could put nipon markings on ETOs do24_t. Except for the three engines It looks alot like an Kawanishi H6K4 Mavis. The marvis had four. :redface: Wish I had half the talent a lot of folks here have, I would try doing it myself.
I've now got a PC which can max out all the display, but I can't upload to the FTP, all the attachment images and even signature & avatar images are being returned as 'invalid'. Anyone else having this prob? I shall have to go to uploading to Photobucket.

I'll have a go uploading screenies. Didn't work last time i tried. These are all ETO BoB - only thing I seem to fly these days.

:isadizzy: No Luck again. Grizz, I'm happy to send you screenies just PM me. :pop4: