Screenshots Needed for new ETO-PTO Website

In answer to Major Magee's Japanese J-22, here are a couple in their usual colours!

Not strictly in ETO, but I'll swop three hi-res skins for a decent FM/DM... The original ones are far, far too optimistic. To begin with, it's nearly impossible to shoot down, and it flies better than an FW190. If anyone can do better, I'll contribute the skins. They were originally done for AvHistory.
If I hadn't been working on it myself, you might just have got it past me! good try, smart thinking! :ernae: The problem being that out-of-the-box, it's way too good for a J-22. Maybe there, your Ki-100 is more accurate!
Pierre Clostermann has been shot down on may 12th 1943 by a 109. He bailed out over the Channel and came back to Biggin Hill without injuries after being rescued by the Air Sea Rescue.
Screenshots: Attack in the West

Here a little preview. The German Luftwaffe attacks France.
