Screenshots Needed for new ETO-PTO Website

Bravo Major Magee..
I am so very pleased to see you have finished building them BRAVO..
I have put mine on the back burner too many things at one time to do..
So they are resting .
But Now our favorite Major has done it..
Saves me alot of hard work

RATS, Well back to G max..
Maybe i should upload the one I have working.
Just the 250lb Still sorting out the rest..
You Got Me.. I was hopping around the room rejoicing that I didn't have to finish all of this..


I gress I'll have to take them off the back burner..
Been doing many other things, and kind of desided they could wait..

CR32 textured as a Ki-10 Perry
Captain Tateo Kato, Ace with 2nd Hiko Daitai, Fall 1937

Aircraft #22 of the Cactus Air Force flying out of Fighter-1
Seen here at 2,500 ft over Guadalcanal's Henderson Field, October 1942.
P-39D with 67th Pursuit Squadron, 347th Fighter Group.
Sorry, but they're just done with Photoshop in anticipation of yours being finished someday.

:wavey:Hey Major need some help here. Remember you painted some Jap planes one of them was a tony. Whats the name of payware site it came from? I had a crash early this year and lost most all my data, Trying to get all back together.

Just adding to the Pacific collection


A-24B Banshee, SN 254459, 312th Bomb Group, Makin Island in the Gilberts, December 1943.
Your Birds are Beautiful.
It is a Great gift to all here to get these..

Will crash them all...
In your Honor of course..

Yes Major i like your planes to. I will be flying the USO entertainer's in next week to preform and help keep the GI's moral high. Thank you for loading the planes.


Kawasaki Ki-61, Army Type 3 Fighter Hien (Swallow) of the 244th Sentai assigned to Tokyo defense.
(well not really, but it's as close as anything I had for today's addition to the Add-Ons Library)
This weekend's Secret Project


Mitsubishi G4M1 Betty - 2nd Hokitai - Misawa Kokutai - Saipan to Solomons - 1942

Thats the one I was waiting for , looks great, and its the real deal. Did it ever get finished .. cockpit, guns and player flyable.:jump:

I wanted to put my stone it that large building, bringing this thread in ETO, Here is a P-51B texture from mine whith the nice stuff of Klass 'O 44, and my WIP for a future monument enhancing kit...
Thats the one I was waiting for , looks great, and its the real deal. Did it ever get finished .. cockpit, guns and player flyable.:jump:

I wondered if anyone would be interested in the Kumogata (cloud-like) scheme for early in the war, or if I should have been doing the all dark green top surfaces from later.

I've gotten far enough to make it flyable, and to give you access to the gun stations if you use F3 to hide the alias cockpits. It's frustrating because I can see everything is there in the base model (window glazing,3D crew, moving guns, etc.). I'm still trying to figure out how to get a bombardier station working.

It would be nice to do this properly from the source model. If Stephan Seybolt (the original creator) was willing, I'd gladly do all the textures required to upgrade the model set.