Can you legally share it?
I don't have a problem with him sharing it as long as he gives attribution (1/2 owner of Plane Design here). I can check with Ed to see what he thinks, but I'm 99% positive he won't mind.
Hi! Nice images! Thanks for posting. Can you say what scenary is this one? Thanks in advance
The default out of the box field with ORBX basics and running Truesky.
Been tweaking cloud draw distances and light settings as well, I like the softer effects using Truesky.
Works in clear days.
I don't have a problem with him sharing it as long as he gives attribution (1/2 owner of Plane Design here). I can check with Ed to see what he thinks, but I'm 99% positive he won't mind.
Edit: I checked with Ed, we're both fine with it. Make sure to send me a link as well.
Nigel's AVRO over Seattle.
Flying from Bolzano to Locher Valley today with real weather.
Default P3DV5HF1, HIFI Active Sky+Active Sky Cloud Art beta V5, WIP Cessna H206T Soloy Mark 2 PBR, Locher Airfield Freeware.