Something a little different. I just sat at Heathrow to watch Alpha India Group's beautiful AI. Unlike the stutter-fest and low fps of the past, this was totally smooth and pretty much capped at my limit of 30fps. Never thought I'd see the day. This is a whole new sim. Having said that, the GPU memory counter is your friend. It's a bit of a pig in that regard, but I'm sure LM is working on that.
The Beverley (FSX/P3D) just added to the Library:
Default Heathrow. I would like the Aerosoft payware addon, but maybe someday! NC
Btw, how can I get the screenshots to be larger in the post? I am saving them in bmp. What am I doing wrong?
Convert then to .jpg format for a start, and if you can, use an image hosting service which will allow you to link your shots direct at original size.
Problem with .bmp format is their complete lack of compression.
Washington State ORBX.