P3D_V5 Screenshots P3D V 5

Dino's T45C. Still searching for a couple of missing interior textures but other than that works OK.




Carenado Cirrus.
I have a ligitimate copy of the Skysim Vixen but I've never been able to get it to work outside of FSX. What's the secret?

Model rebuild with Blender, new XML gauges to replace the old 32 bit GAU file and XMLTools 64 bit.
Aeroplane Heaven Cessna C140.
I'm attempting to sort out the oversize lights, but that aside it's a great little aircraft.
Good old Razbam deuce in P3Dv5 (178th FIS 119th TFG ND ANG, Hector Field 1968, painted by Jens-Ole Kjølberg)

Yep, that's PBR. In V5 they started using an extra channel to control specular. Just one of the annoyances of the updated sim not being truly compatible with 4.5. If it's a dedicated V5 development, 4.5 ignores this extra channel so it's OK in both sims. If they go to 5.5 they might do something about this. A lot of products developed for 4.5 are obsolete because of it unless they are upgraded. :engel016:
Good to know Baz.
Now if I can figure out how to reduce the size and strength of the nav lights I'll just keep flying the the non polished airframes.