P3D_V5 Screenshots P3D V 5

Jeansy thanks.

Quick question anybody know if there was a paint kit for the AH Lancaster. I cannot find one and my usual slop and dash does not work very well with this one. I would like to have one in the white French Aeronavale scheme like they had in the 60's in Tahiiti. Both the French aircraft survive - One in the UK the other in the WA Bull Creek Museum (now painted in WW2 camoflage).
I have a paintkit for an AH Lancaster B1 in my paintkits folder. Not sure if it is for the earlier version they did or the last one they released. This one talks about PBR if that helps.
Thanks Pat, others, ok had a go with it now comes up allright but for the life of me I cannot find the texture for the exhaust pipes.

Lancaster WU15 French Aeronavale - out of Tontouta. Sure is hard to find details or history of these Lanc's in the Pacific, New Caledonia or Tahiti.
Carenado's EMB-120.
One more from my new system which is allowing me to push the sliders well over to the right!:pirate:
