
A little sight seeing from NYC up to the Hamptons. An even better experience in VR, which I find flying helicopters to be a lot more natural experience than in 2D - being able to better gauge depth and motion. In VR, I'm a better helicopter pilot than in 2D.
If anyone fancies flying the MSFS Bell 407, I highly recommend the free Simfocus improvement mod available here:
It's such a sweet flying helo with the mod, and very easy to handle and have it do exactly what you want - since discovering this about a week ago, even my much-beloved Taog Huey has remained hanagared. In VR, I've been flying the 407 all around New York City, Los Angeles, Boston, London and Rome - just incredible virtual experiences thanks to this sim.

Quite the conga line!

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Training young pilots in MSFS
A BCATP station? I would love to see a whole series of them. And Oh to have an Anson in the sim.

EDIT:- The penny drops as I look more closely at your screenshots.... Hagersville Ontario was the home of No.16 Service Flying Training School, yes they flew the Anson. Actually, I have an Anson instrument panel in my office! Original WW2 vintage.
A question? How are you folks getting full size screenshots to show up in a Post? I can't do anything in SOH but show thumbnails one has to click for the full size image. Are you using a separate photo account and linking the photos to that? I'm old and at a loss. Help please.

Hi Cazzie, in my case I've been using Flickr. It's free up to a certain amount of images, though I pay a yearly subscription to be able to exceed that limit.

However, you can also post full-size images using just the default SOH forum options. When attaching an image file via the SOH forum, as soon as the image is uploaded you'll see a little tab on the upper left corner of the thumbnail that says 'Insert', and when clicked on you can select either 'Thumbnail' or 'Full Image'. Selecting 'Full Image', it displays the screenshot as shown below:

Attaching automatically reduces oversized files, so you may end up with some visual degradation. Uploading to Flickr lets you preserve the original detail. Once the image is uploaded and you return to your "Photostream," click on the pic you want to share. At the bottom right, the second icon will be for sharing. Click that, then click the BBCode option at the top. Select Original in the dropdown, then copy the code and paste that here.
Thanks much Bomber and Tom. I need to figure out the new forum and as old as I am becoming, easy gets harder every day. My apologies to Iris DeMent for stealing her song title.

This morning I downloaded the freeware Smith-Reynolds Airport (KINT) in Winston Salem, NC from I use to attend many air shows there. Anyhow, I took off from Smith Reynolds at 5:07 and flew to KDAN in Danville, my home airport. Live weather and real time in MSFS. The day was just beginning to get the early red light of pre-dawn, The constellation of Orion is most visible and being and amateur astronomer since I was 10, I am amazed at how MSFS captures the night sky. A large Gibbous moon was setting in the west. As usual I took my Monster NX Cub, but personal favorite.



Cazzie - I do recognize the constellation Orion in your screen shot. I assume the lower row of light dots is the horizon? Regards.
Not the result I was expecting after making a perfect greased-on landing! Probably the smoothest landing I've ever made in the '109, but the right landing gear soon folded up, causing me to drag a wingtip and spin 360-degrees off into the weeds. I figure my previous landing from the day before, which was on a rather rough surface, had done damage to the right landing gear which I failed to check pre-flight. I was flying in VR, but switched to 2D to get a few screenshots of the aftermath - I wish I had caught it on video, with all of the noise and dust blowing around when it happened.

The red of sunrise outlines the trees, which are from REX AccuSeason. If you know your astronomy, the constellation Lepus (the Hare), is below Orion. The constellation Canis Major (one of Orion's hunting dogs, the other being the constellation Canis Minor) and its brightest star, Sirius, had just set below the tree line. It'll soon be good observation weather, cool clear nights, longer viewing period. Sad to say, but Astronomy is a harsh mistress, the best times for viewing are in the Winter.

Yeah, it would be neat if the grass would flatten in the path the aircraft took, or from where the airframe is laying - maybe in MSFS 2024? Jorg at MS/Asobo has mentioned that, in MSFS 2024, when/after it rains there are trails left behind when you taxi/takeoff/land in mud, and crops are now affected by/blow in the wind, so it would seem fitting that grass would flatten too when driven on, or in this case an aircraft ends up settling on. There has been talk of tessellated snow being included in MSFS 2024 as well, which might also have trails left behind when taxied/skied upon.

BTW, I also meant to add that, this sort of experience with the '109 is one of the key reasons why I never have crashes or airframe stress turned on in MSFS. If turned on, the screen would have turned black the moment the gear folded up and that would have been that. Also, thank goodness for it being only a game/flight sim - instead of $100,000+ in repairs, all it required was a couple clicks in the tablet to fix the damage, enter/exit slew mode to reset, and all was good again.
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