
Cazzie, you must have been facing west to get that shot. I know that Orion rises in the east during the winter, which is why I call it "winter's harbinger." When I can see Orion in the sky in the evening, I know that cold weather is coming.
Trying something a bit unconventional, some screenshots from VR (cropped from 3506x3814). A flight around Naples and Pompeii.

The detail/resolution is to such an extent with the photogrammetry that when flying around the excavated ruins of Pompeii you can even see the raised "crosswalk" stepping stones that the Romans placed on their streets so that when it rained and the streets got flooded you wouldn't get your feet wet.

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Trying something a bit unconventional, some screenshots from VR (cropped from 3506x3814). A flight around Naples and Pompeii.

The detail/resolution is to such an extent with the photogrammetry that when flying around the excavated ruins of Pompeii you can even see the raised "crosswalk" stepping stones that the Romans placed on their streets so that when it rained and the streets got flooded you wouldn't get your feet wet.

Great screenshots John!!!
Some screenshots around Salzburg, with the latest World Update - all new aerials and DEM, and around the city of Salzburg itself, all new photogrammetry. I uninstalled my copy of the DigitalDesign Salzburg Airport (LOWS) as the World Update includes its own detailed version (it looks very similar to the DigitalDesign version, and may very well be from the same folks).

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