
Having some fun with the new Battle of Britain release!

KG3 sets out on their appointed mission . . .

Meanwhile, KG2 runs into some hot water . . .

WARNING: Things do not match up perfectly. Some things are lighter than their surroundings, etc. Also understand that I did this by the seat of my pants with some suggestions from others! For the record, I make complete copies of my CFS3 installs to a separate drive so if I screw things up badly, I just delete the install directory in question in its entirety and copy in the backup copy to get back to baseline. Do any of this at your own risk!

That said, for BoB, it seems pretty simple:

1. Delete all BDP files in your BoB directory.

2. Remove the 'assets' and 'terrains' folders. Keep them somewhere outside the BoB directory in case things go horribly wrong and you need to bring them back!

3. Delete any BDP files the 'assets' and 'terrains' folders from WOFF and then copy them into BoB. This assumes the last season that you played in was Summer and that you're never going to change the season, a not unreasonable assumption for BoB!

Alternately, you can copy in the WOFF folders and overwrite when asked. I did this originally and it worked, but I'm trying the 'replacement' approach now and it seems to work. Save out copies of 'assets' and 'terrains' first in case of trouble.

For the latest BoB update, I had to return the install to its original form (I kept the original folders), do the update, and then do the above.

For the water, I just overwrote the,,, and files in effects\fxtextures with their WOFF equivalents.

ETO is considerably more complex and I'm not entirely sure what I did, bit I'll try to describe it as best I can tomorrow.
Those look like the high rez ones originally done as a mod for OFF by ArisFuser back in 2012 or 2014. Since then I believe they've been incorporated into the base WOFF install.
Sorry, forgot about the clouds. Had to do some digging in my files, but yes, they are 'Aris Wings Over Flanders Fields Cloud Mod v1.3'. I put it into all my CFS3 installs.

Also sorry to be so cagey about the procedure, but as a rank amateur at it and having done it so long ago, I'm trying to reverse engineer it a bit so I don't give out bad information!
Found some of my notes and they said to "replace" (not overwrite) the assets and terrains folders, so disregard the 'alternate' option above. That said, there is a 'number of files' discrepancy in the assets folder that I'm still trying to figure out. Perhaps things added later? Very possibly as my instructions were written to be applied as a tail end part of the install process, so doing it to a modified install may not work.
Convoy hunt, taking off from Trondheim, Norway, winter 1942.




Model is in BoB James, and it's not Norway I cheated, it's the most Northern sea base that I know of on the map, Sylt in Germany!
Pretty rare model for a flight sim!! As always, an exellent paint job! :encouragement: (Don't know why I did add that - I' ve never seen anything but the highest quality from you)

I remember getting a prebuilt but unpainted Matchbox 1:72 He 115 model when I was 10-12 years old or so. Sprues in two or three colors, those where the days! Brown and cream, if memory serves me right.
I remember that Matchbox kit too Joost. the other colour was a dark green:biggrin-new:

This model has been around CFS3 for years, I first saw it at the very beginning of the MAW project, (a Mathias, Ground Crew model) but it never got finished, until recently, so thanks to Rob and Dan who finally sorted it!
I remember that Matchbox kit too Joost. the other colour was a dark green:biggrin-new:

This model has been around CFS3 for years, I first saw it at the very beginning of the MAW project, (a Mathias, Ground Crew model) but it never got finished, until recently, so thanks to Rob and Dan who finally sorted it!

You're quite right; That's the third colour I had in mind but I couldn't remember what parts were green.

I knew the model was around somewhere but it's a pleasant surprise it finally left the hangar. I do need to port it over to ETO to shoot it down :icon_twisted: :biggrin-new:
Thanks Mongoose.

Since I joined the forum recently Ive slowly been going through this thread and would like to say thanks to all the contributors of all the great pictures, I hope to contribute some shots myself soon.
