
I want to thank all the wonderful people who have helped me so much through these years. You all make this the best experience possible !
It's amazing what can be done with a stock model. Great skins and flight modelling and you have a perfect match. Looking forward to these P-38's.
One more variant makes it into the package, a mid-production lend-lease Mk.VB. The VHF radio and IFF equipment were removed (no sense sharing any more technology than necessary with the commies) and replaced with the older HF set, which was probably more in line with Russian requirements anyway. This one flies with a Merlin 46 engine, which equipped the majority of the roughly 150 Mk.Vs the Russians took delivery of. There are more variants included than have shown up here. Expect the first batch soon. All is complete except for me finishing the manuals so you will know how to fly it!

At last count there are 19 variants and over 60 skins. Since that makes for an absolutely massive download, they will be split into several groups of variants, and released sequentially.
Of those 19 variants and 60 skins, I did exactly zero of them. I just do the behind the scenes stuff. John and Steve are the legends.