No problem Owen. BTW, where did you get that B-24 skin, I've not seen it before?
Daniel, I have no idea where the skin on the B-24 came from?/ I Know it is a Firepower bomber.
But in my Advanced CFS3 setup I have files going back to the beginning of this, so over 10-12 years I collected and set up many stand-alone using whatever files I found at the various sites over the years.
And having several developers send me items also over the years, I can not say where this bomber's skin came from now.
New scenery textures for MAW would be wonderful Master Wieknieria, Oh Yea!
With this many installs on my various computers right now it will take me sometime to set them up using all the new improvements being developed..
Onward and upward. also the first time in many many months I have flown in CFS3, usually just fly in the various expansions available.
I like the sky in the P-39 screenshots in the CFS3 advanced set up ( Win 7), as the clouds change and the light changes so does the colors for the sky and water depending on the time of year, time of day and clouds being used. This was with WM 4.7 Scenery files in the Autumn. (light snow) Morning.. The Spitfire and Lancaster was with Autumn ( no Snow) afternoon.
All Brings this alive even more.
The only issues I have at this time, is with the polished bare metal aircraft, the seen to just look "white" now, not the shiny metal finish. The P-55 screen shots show this.
Master Andy has a fix for this I think he has developed for Win 7/8 machines. I hope..