
...Wing Cmndr. Owen's personal IIB may be denied him if the brass hears of these sightings...

Bombers seen in compromising positions... tsk tsk, really now! :engel016:

Mayhaps an excess of inverted flight is the culprit? :very_drunk: (...or not enuf vitamin C?)

Hobbits have to do what hobbits have to do, Pops..
Vitamin Who? Never heard of him..

Like the Mk IIb with the HH on Her, But she does need a proper, and beautiful Purple and pink polka dotted paint job..Oh Yea!!
this is the ETO Horsham St Faith AFF airbase in ERA4 I find it a little bit basic and denuded.
Daniel, you need to reload ETO 1.40 your files are badly corrupted..
You will need a Virgin copy of this soon anyway..

Here are my pictures of this base from ETO 1.40 Virgin set up..
a nice beautifully filled airbase..


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Having TOO Much Fun!!


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In nature, if it is Brightly colored Watch out!
Same for Purple and Pink polka dotted Birds!! Oh yea!


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Hey Owen, where'd you get the skin for the B-17 in your last pic? I've not seen it before. Precious few B-17 skins around, at least for the freeware model.
Hey Owen, where'd you get the skin for the B-17 in your last pic? I've not seen it before. Precious few B-17 skins around, at least for the freeware model.

Master Gecko,
It is the old model

3US_B-17g Molly II

3US B-17G Flying Fortress
Engines: 4 x Wright 1820-97
* Weight: 38132 lbs Max 72000 lbs
* Power: 1200 hp MIL 1380 hp WEP
* 3.0g Corner speed: 151 mph
* Max speed @ SL: 237 mph
* Max speed: 302 mph @ 25000 ft
* Climb rate: 1430 ft/min @ 176 mph
Flight Model By: gregoryp
7/23/03 01:06 AM
Flight Model Workbook V2.82.104
Damage Model Workbook Version 2.16

I have several different B-17 skins from the past, many are over ten years old, I re-skinned the AV models with downloads from Netwings and SOH then Combat FS.. and later the firepower model once I purchased Firepower..

This came directly from AVH before they shut down..
Okay, Owen... ya can't sneak that #3 skin on the G-55 past me without facing a minor inquisition....
So er aah what's the '411'??

Meanwhile, here are a pair of Fiats I've alterred through the years....


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Master Pops,
it is from Regs Hanger, Italian wings site.

Fiat G 55 Serie 1 "Centauro" - Aviazione Nazionale Repubblicana
2° Gruppo Caccia, 2a Squadriglia, Cascina Vaga, May 1944

I used this in a missions package I built some time ago for all..
Owen, the Fiat in your screenie has a '3' code and a rather unique camo as well....

I'll be blowed if I can find it anywheres :banghead:

Owen, the Fiat in your screenie has a '3' code and a rather unique camo as well....

I'll be blowed if I can find it anywheres :banghead:


Sorry about that Master Pops, after going to the Italian wings site, there are many less of these then at one time.
Also missing several CR 42 aircraft once there.

I had this loaded when I did those Italian missions years ago, and decided Not to use it. Because I had to make a standalone or this skin..
Then deleted it later. It was a one of a kind skin once on the Italian wings site.

I may still have this saved to a CD from the past, But to find it would take weeks of looking into MANY hundreds of old CD's I burnt in the past with all of this saved.
I do remember deleting it from my set ups because I needed the room back then on the hard drives.
But I also Know I saved it somewhere on a CD..
Where God only knows right now..

Very sorry about the confusion on this..
With 15 installs of various CFS3 and expansions loaded on my e-machine(old computer) sometimes it is hard to remember what is where, and at one time I did did remove Lots of unused aircraft to save HD space.
Don't have that issue now..
As time goes along I will try to find her again on the CDs for you..
Often look into these, and find forgotten and removed birds that now I can reinstall..
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Working on some Missions, this was too cool!!
October 7th 1944 Second Lieutenant Urban Drew was flying with wingman McCandless when he spotted the German airbase at Achmer and went down for a look. Two Schwalbe's were just taking off when Drew dived on them, McCandless keeping right with him. The first Me 262 exploded when hit by the .50s of "Detroit Miss". Drew says he was surprised when the second Me 262 tried to climb away, allowing him to turn inside and shoot away the jet's control surfaces. When Drew returned to base, he found that not only had his wingman failed to return after being hit by flak following Drew's victories, but the gun camera also failed. Only after the war did Drew learn his wingman had survived.
More than 40 years later, an Air Force clerk noticed Drew's claim for two Me-262 victories on the same mission. She contacted a custodian of German war records, who knew former Luftwaffe pilots who might be able to shed light on the claim. Georg-Peter Eder had been set to lead the Me-262s of JG 7 that day, but when his aircraft had problems taking off the two-ill-fated pilots took off to lead JG 7. Eder says he saw a yellow-nosed P-51 dive on the Me 262s and shoot them down. Eder couldn't read "Detroit Miss" on the nose of the Mustang, but his account was sufficient to confirm Drew's two Me-262 victories.


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...very cool

...Detroit Miss just happens to be the skin on me FP P-51 (in memory of a great CFS1 skin) :engel016:
In going through all my files to make them Win 7 Specular and AnKor's Self-Shadowing dll compatible I discovered that there was a Blackburn Skua hidden in MAW that I never knew was there. It was a quick edit to make it flyable and here it is.

MAW Blackburn Skua.jpg