
Every new model that you guys produce raises the bar another couple of notches, looks fabulous!! ...and this is freeware!!! :applause::applause::applause::applause:

John is like wine he improves with age... seriously I think we all spend a little more time on these since it is a labour of love doing what we want and how. Just a note - the planes will be fully equipped with M8 and HVAR, external tanks, bombs, and clean to perform the variety of roles these airplanes filled late in the war. I made new HVAR and Triple M8 to fit the plane - easier than using the existing stuff and I like mine better anyway...ha ha ha.

Will make a V1 mission for the release now that I found the AvH one...

It is a pleasure working with Steve, John, Rob and everyone else on these.

TSK - Tally Ho!!
When you know John, Ted and Steve are behind it, you'd be surprised by NOT seeing such tasty stuff. Terrific, just terrific, congrats to everybody involved!:applause:

And John, we need to talk!:a1089::very_drunk:
Thanks all for the comments, Ted and Steve are still tidying the last bits and pieces model wise, and I've got a few more schemes to do, then we'll drag Rob in to do his stuff!:mixed-smiley-010:

Hey Luca, great to hear from you, any time my friend!:untroubled:
I've been fine tuning SweetFX a bit this evening to see what range of effects from subtle to severe I could add and have things still look reasonably natural.


Top is the CFS3 original rendering
Middle is SweetFX with Lumasharpen, ToneMap, Vibrance, and Curves
Bottom is SweetFX with Bloom, HDR, Lumasharpen, DPX, LiftGammaGain and Vibrance
I do a lot of looking out my window when I'm setting these things up.

The third one was an attempt to get that hot and hazy sunny summer day looking sky.

For general purposes I like the middle one best for its color and clarity, but it is more of a very low humidity sky color than most days are in the real world.
I agree but the bottom looks more true to life... (just got back from youtube
watching the amazing NZ mossie) :redfire:
I would have to agree, the bottom one is most realistic, though I find the middle one a bit prettier.