
AI Tactics

For starters, the Fw 190 FM has been tweaked to give more realistic elevator effectivity vs airspeed. At least some of the 190 FMs currently available loose all elevator control by about 650 km/h, whereas 190s were known to execute dive bombing attacks at speeds above 1,000 km/h and be able to pull out. So this is reflected in the new FM, which makes it much more competitive, especially at higher speeds. The Spitfires can, and should, still turn inside the 190, but in all other respects, the 190 is superior, at least against the Mk.Vs I was facing on this flight.

The problem is that CFS3 AI tactics are still biased towards the turn fighter, so effectively, as far as the AI is concerned, whichever is the better turn fighter will win. In this case, that is of course the Spit. So in the mission, I biased the AI skill levels against the Spitfires to compensate. And argueably that is as it should be anyways, at least during 1941 and 1942. There is a mixture of all skill levels in the opposing forces, but there are overall more rookies flying Spits and more aces flying 190s. Larger scale battles tend to make any disparity between aircraft a little less noticeable as well. The result is usually a fairly intense and unpredictable battle.

Thanks for the explanation, Daniel it is very interesting. I have long been frustrated when trying to campaign in an FW190 - even with the various claimed improved FMs floating around out there. In 1942 the early "butcher birds" were supposed to have put the wind up the RAF - but in cfs3 the AI spits are completely dominant - even AI hurris have an advantage. I suppose the widely adopted MAW/ETO trick of null pylons adding weight to AI only aircraft is the best option at the moment (for ccampaign play at least), other than your tactics for missions.

I wonder if Mark aka Winding Man has been able to add new AI tactics to the exe? I.e. zoom and boom to the turn and burn? In which case the promised addon from OBD will be much anticipated.
I dearly hope OBD does implement tactics like you describe. Based on what they've done in WOFF, it seems like they have the ability to do it.
Little bit of MAW!



I was looking at these screenshots and realized that mine looked fundamentally different somehow. Then I remembered that I had SweetFX turned on to provide more image clarity than the default. Here's an example:


Upper is the CFS3 Default Rendering
Lower is with SweetFX

#define sharp_strength 1.00
#define sharp_clamp 0.035
#define pattern 3
#define offset_bias 1.00
#define show_sharpen 0

#define USE_LEVELS 1
#define Levels_black_point 2
#define Levels_white_point 250

#define USE_TONEMAP 1
#define Gamma 1.00
#define Exposure 0.00
#define Saturation 0.05
#define Bleach 0.0
#define Defog -0.020
#define FogColor float3(0.00,0.00,1.00)

#define USE_VIBRANCE 1
#define Vibrance 0.15
#define Vibrance_RGB_balance float3(1.00, 1.00, 1.00)

#define USE_CURVES 1
#define Curves_mode 0
#define Curves_contrast 0.33
#define Curves_formula 10


  • Shot09-03-17-22-57-42.jpg
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p.s. Lumasharpen can sometimes lead to a little ground texture shimmering, so if you need to that can be turned off by setting it to
Not tried SweetFX yet Andy, looks good, might give it a try when I get some free time to mess about with! : )
Found a couple of really old MAW development shots of the Hurricane I, and IIc, but the interesting bit is the terrain, looks like an early beta?


SweetFX works in conjunction with AnKor's Shaders. You can use the Shaders without it, but you must have the Shaders installed for SweetFX to work. I have never been able to get the newer Reshade version to work on my system though.

For some reason my system needs both AnKor's Shaders and SweetFX running for G-Sync to turn on. I have one SweetFX profile with all the effects turned off, so I do not have to change the default look of the CFS3 rendering just to have G-Sync.