Love the Mustangs from Sky Unlimited series P-51 pack
Fun to fly and wonderful to look at. Don't know if they are still available or not because when i do a google search it says site may harm my computer...
One of my all time favorites ,the La-5. Wish there was a La-7 for CFS3 but the performance is close. The La-7 had better visibility and firepower than the La-5 .
@wiek: ok, the only way seems to me to copy the whole ACE COMBAT image link, and put it into the SOH forum as a regular insert image object, just untick the Retrieve option at the uploader dialog. sample result with your image from ACE COMBAT thread:
@wiek: is this the CFS3 Komet we did? the pilot figure says it isnt. it is even a CFS3 screenshot? well, maybe I am too old and just cant recognise my stuff there EDIT: ah, the COMBAT ACE thread is Strike Fighters 2 Series - Screen Shots, you just mentioned it as your properly visible image collection presentation, right?
It still not working sharing google images in here, i don't know why..well i've to upload here which smaller size
it's weird when i share from google image on combatace, you will get Key binary extension behind it's images address but not in here which i think that's why it wont show up here...the original images adress from google host is with (=no) but in combatace you'll get another extension behind it like this (&key=fde5facf345324de88efafee79d6b73c44bc5478f07b160a3c24f0bbe0461cb9) after (=no) which google images don't show it when you share it using SOH insert images unless i upload it on combat ace first. And that's why you can show them here as they have another binary extension, guess that's the clue.
The Sky Unlimited P-51B(part of the P-51 pack) . Firefox gives me a warning not to enter their website. So i don't know if they are still available .Not willing to take a chance.
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