Which Bf110E is that because I thought this is the Bf110D done by GC but otherwise known as the "GC_Bf110D_R1_M8AL"
Groundcrew CFS3 Bf110D/E Dackelbauch Beta, 30.3. 2006
Bf110D/R1, coded M8+AL, of Oberleutnant Gordon Mc Gollob, Staffelkapitaen 3./ZG 76, Stavanger, August 1940.
Bf110E-1/R1 of 5./NJG 1, coded G9+JN, Deelen, Spring 1941.
Visual Model and damage profile: Mathias Pommerien
Textures: Alessandro Biagi
Flightmodel: original work by Gregory Pierson, hacked by Babo Natale
Beta notes:
Sound is aliased to the stock Ju-88, you may want to get a better sound off the www.
Virtual cockpit is a draft so far with some gauges thrown in, nothing spectacular, just a placeholder with some added functionality.
External model has three LOD levels so should be quite ok on framerates.
For the case you wonder, that pregnat belly under the plane is a fueltank cover, a socalled Dackelbauch (dachshund belly) holding several tanks with a total of 1050 Liters of fuel and 106 liters of oil in addition to the default load of 1870 liters fuel in the inner wings.
It's not jettisonable.
Flight model is a hack of an older AvHistory 1% Bf110G airfile by Gregory Pierson which has been severally modified to fit this model, so can no longer be considered 1%.
The finished plane inclusive state of the art cockpit, AvHistory 4.x flightmodel and all bells and whistles will be part of the freeware Mediterranean Airwar addon for CFS3.
There is also an ETO_Bf110D_R1 by NachtPiloten
It does seem that other than those the only E versions I can find are MAW DR versions such as DR_Bf110E_G1_** to DR_Bf110E_G5_***