Seneca II from Carenado Released!

Is this the setting TERRAIN_MAX_VERTEX_LEVEL=19 I never changed mine from default.
Yes, if you use mesh scenery of 20m or so you need to adjust this to 21 if I recall.
Most of mine are, and I don't have frame rate issues on my FS rig, so I just leave it there.

What a nightmare for many ways a plane can interact in the sim.

There was a similar issue with a Dreamfleet DH8, which was fixed by cranking up the damping in [contact points]
I changed the "empty_weight_pitch_MOI = 7206" solved most of the issues with bouncing on my PC
i downloaded it again from the website and re-installed it from scratch. Still has the bouncing issue...but only at certain airports. I'm wondering if it has to to with the terrain detail being set to 19 instead of default 21? Donno.....i'll play around w/ it later. and i usually get it after a longer flight (1 hour+) could be a CG issue too....

she's a beauty to fly in the air....but the bounce part does ruin some of the fun...


i ve fixed most bouncing issues with adjustment of static comprssion, max to static ratio and dammping ration. However did not find a logic behind if values of similar aircraft are compared. Does anyone have a guideline or is try and error the only way ? Do the Beech58 values probably work?
I wouldn't swear to it, but I think it does sound better:

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Sound
FS2004 Carenado PA34 Sounds
Name: Size: 2,344,302 Date: 08-06-2009
FS2004 Carenado PA34 Sounds. Replacement sound files for the payware Carenado Piper PA34 Seneca. A modified set of files for the Carenado Seneca to smooth out the sound transitions through the power bands and bring the sound closer to reality. The default sounds have distinct steps, this small modification makes the sound less so. By John Dow.
Seems the bouncing issue is not new - Carenado had it on their Piper Arrow too.
Just for fun, I asked them whether they had a fix for the bouncing Seneca.
Quick as a flash I got a new aircraft.cfg file back, so they're onto it.
Obviously later downloads would already be updated.


Like all the Carenado planes, I've grown to like this one more as I spend time with it.
Some nice repaints appearing on, I have cannibalized a few for Austrian use

The setting below seems to correct the bouncing on my PC

empty_weight_pitch_MOI = 15000
empty_weight_roll_MOI = 9100
empty_weight_yaw_MOI = 18250