Serious Italian 1940 Metal

Milton, you are an Iron Man on a mission!! And I (we all) love it. :icon_lol:

:applause: :applause: :applause:

Well, thank you Duckie (et al) for the nice comments. This is a challenging but fun aircraft to do so it needs some "special attention".

Right now I am focusing on 12 cowl flaps, the outsides of them and about ready to do the inner 12 sides, then link and animate them all.
Flaps done, actually 11 of them; 11 inner sides, 11 links, 11 pivots, 11 animations, 3 hours, tedious process, but fun to get it done.
I set them to open at 20 degrees. Might be a touch strong with the way the fuse nose is shaped to allow for lots of air flow behind that huge exhaust header.
Looking for pictures of the Piaggio P.XI Italian 14-cylinder engine for use as an engine texture. Any assistance appreciated.

Also would like more technical data for the flight model development:

Compression ratio, operating RPM ranges(rated power max/takeoff/cruise), MAP takeoff and cruise, cylinder displacement, any boost mechanisms, fuel consumption, etc.
The Piaggio XI was a licensed version of the Gnome-Rhône 14K Mistral Major.

View attachment 72326

Piaggio P.XII
View attachment 72327

WooooHooooo! Excellent find! :applause:

And, it yields the technical data needed for teh engine and FM. :)

[h=3]General characteristics[/h]
  • Type: Fourteen-cylinder two-row air-cooled radial engine
  • Bore: 146 mm (5.75 in)
  • Stroke: 165 mm (6.5 in)
  • Displacement: 38.72 l (2,363 in³)
  • Diameter: 1,296 mm (51.02 in)
  • Dry weight: 540 kg (1,190 lb)
I have the major work on the fuselage now completed with all openings, glass, doors and animations done.
wow! i can't wait for my brushes to get going on that :jump: she looks absolutely stunning Milton! just... wow!
These aircraft when setup for nocturnal ops received "attinic" (actinic) night lighting as well as exhaust flame dampers (ineffectively as the exhausts glowed red anyhow).

My question is what color would that "attinic" lighting be? Blue?
My question is what color would that "attinic" lighting be? Blue?[/QUOTE said:
Yes, from the pics I've seen actinic lights are a blue/aquamarine colour. I will provide examples as soon as I find some good ones.


actinic light is in the blue /uv end of the spectrum. I didn't know that, I just looked on the web:applause:!! Although years ago doing photography I used to use uv tubes to expose images, so I guess I did kinda know but forgot!

Nice Tails ?

This is how I spent my whole day Monday. :wiggle: Happy to have this done, and proud of the results. Now, on to the wings. :jump:
nice? they're un-be-frigging-lievably beautiful! :jump::salute:

*Runs back to Harpoon Paint shed to finish the internal textures and prepare for the next arrival when it's ready*
LOL Matt :applause: Good focus. :)

Well, today my focus was on wings, flaps and ailerons. Basics now in place.

Ready for the outboard engines. :jump: