I was thinking what about VR on our monitor ??... Ok, not really VR but atleast 3D ! Possibly by wearing glasses much more sophisticated than the ol' carton red en green ones from the past.
Don't think it would work. You'd have to keep your face locked forward looking at the screen for the glasses to work. Any movement would upset the 3D alignment. Even if you could do it, you'd lose the natural head tracking feature, and you'd have to go back to the hat switch to look around, like before TrackIR. Just speaking for myself, I'm done with that! I could just about stand to watch a 3D video on my screen that way, but not to play a sim.
Speaking of 3D videos, one thing that strikes me as problematic about VR is that it doesn't marry up well with sharing your experience. Even taking screenshots when playing in VR is a chore, or even impossible in some sims that can't switch between VR and pancake mode. Sharing a video is pretty much impossible. I'm aware that there are some YouTubers and Twitch streamers who stream their experiences in VR, but they aren't streaming the VR feed, they're streaming the 2D feed, which their monster gaming rigs somehow have the capacity to both render and capture at the same time as they play in VR. Even if your box can do that, what you're sharing is not the VR experience. Your idea about the glasses might be good for those creators, who could then post a video that someone could experience in 3D. Maybe that would make the experience more accessible and enticing for viewers who have not yet taken the plunge. You can do this now on YouTube with a few split-screen videos like this,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBa-bCxsZDk, although this one works the "wrong" way, it requires you to cross your eyes so that your left eye is looking at the right half and vice versa.
Or, maybe this is not worthwhile, maybe without the head tracking and 360 view illusion, the viewer will still not "get it" even with 3D. Last weekend when I persuaded my spouse to try my G2, she thought the 3D was great but initially she was holding her head perfectly still. I said, "Look around." She said, "I am looking around." I said, "Not just with your eyes, turn your head." She did - and THEN it really clicked for her what VR is.
To your comment about isolation from the outside world, have you tried the voice command "flashlight on" and "flashlight off" when using your G2? It opens a low-res. b&w portal to see the real world (actually uses the built-in camera that tracks the hand controllers) within your VR screen. It's not great, but at least you can use it for a few seconds to locate your keyboard or your whiskey glass without bailing out of VR. Apparently this is a standard Windows Mixed Reality voice command, and the G2 supports all of the commands described at this link,
https://support.microsoft.com/en-us...-reality-af24e0a9-7e17-b542-3720-203e278e588e. I have been meaning to test whether any of the others do anything useful when in MSFS.