Thank you August and DB ! I suppose i'm getting nearer, i.e. almost there, more or less..
My downloaded 'directx_Jun2010_redist' will not install, it doesn't recognise the folder i want it to install in. Possibly no wonder because i found a '_CommonRedist' folder in exactly the path you describe, August. Good thing there's something like a search system because otherwise i might not have found the '' in between the wagonload of cab files with my own eyes... ;-)
Anyway, i thought it best to just run the DXSETUP that i found inside that same folder. Installed fine, no problems there. So now i have the demo of "FlyInside Flight Simulator" running and select the first scenario (flight instructor). Looks fine on my monitor screen but i have no clue how to get it transfered to my G2..... ?? With MSFS i just hit Ctrl/Z et presto i'm in VR.
Possibly also no wonder because i think i downloaded and installed the wrong FFS installation....
: namely "FlyInside Flight Simulator Beta for Oculus, Vive, and Mixed Reality" ....
After downloading and installing, i am now trying "FlyInside FSX Pro 1.96 - for Flight Simulator X". That's the one i want, right ? Why i bothered with the former one first i have no clue. Must say i am getting slowly but certainly a little bit off my rocker here...
So finally i have the FFS for FSX running but, like with my earlier attempt, on my monitor only, no VR....
The difference is that earlier FFS would start-up right away after clicking the FFS icon on my desktop. I could select some stuff from the menu and then i was put in the (2D) cockpit of a Bonanza (IIRC..). After realising my mistake i deleted everything pertaining to FFS and installed the correct version. This now gives me an icon that says 'FlyInside FSX' which i suppose is correct. When i click it i get the normal FSXSE start-up picture and it starts-up normally with the Trike Ultralight above Friday Harbor. The manual of FFS for FSX says that i should first get to select some basic settings where after FFS should start in VR. Not happening here at the moment.... While i click the 'FlyInside FSX' icon FSX just loads like i would've clicked the normal FSX icon.
So what do you think, gentlemen, clearly i am missing something, but what ??....
Have to say i don't know anything about DX9 or DX10 or DXwhatever, not even a clue where to look for it or check it. I just hit the DXsetup.exe from the "...._CommonRedist/DirectX/Jun2010" folder and let it do its work. There ends my knowledge of it. Is it überhaupt possible to check if FFS runs in DX9 mode ?? ...Would it run at all if not ??.... For the time being a mistery to me..
Thanks a lot as always for any hint/tip !
My downloaded 'directx_Jun2010_redist' will not install, it doesn't recognise the folder i want it to install in. Possibly no wonder because i found a '_CommonRedist' folder in exactly the path you describe, August. Good thing there's something like a search system because otherwise i might not have found the '' in between the wagonload of cab files with my own eyes... ;-)
Anyway, i thought it best to just run the DXSETUP that i found inside that same folder. Installed fine, no problems there. So now i have the demo of "FlyInside Flight Simulator" running and select the first scenario (flight instructor). Looks fine on my monitor screen but i have no clue how to get it transfered to my G2..... ?? With MSFS i just hit Ctrl/Z et presto i'm in VR.
Possibly also no wonder because i think i downloaded and installed the wrong FFS installation....

After downloading and installing, i am now trying "FlyInside FSX Pro 1.96 - for Flight Simulator X". That's the one i want, right ? Why i bothered with the former one first i have no clue. Must say i am getting slowly but certainly a little bit off my rocker here...

So finally i have the FFS for FSX running but, like with my earlier attempt, on my monitor only, no VR....
The difference is that earlier FFS would start-up right away after clicking the FFS icon on my desktop. I could select some stuff from the menu and then i was put in the (2D) cockpit of a Bonanza (IIRC..). After realising my mistake i deleted everything pertaining to FFS and installed the correct version. This now gives me an icon that says 'FlyInside FSX' which i suppose is correct. When i click it i get the normal FSXSE start-up picture and it starts-up normally with the Trike Ultralight above Friday Harbor. The manual of FFS for FSX says that i should first get to select some basic settings where after FFS should start in VR. Not happening here at the moment.... While i click the 'FlyInside FSX' icon FSX just loads like i would've clicked the normal FSX icon.
So what do you think, gentlemen, clearly i am missing something, but what ??....
Have to say i don't know anything about DX9 or DX10 or DXwhatever, not even a clue where to look for it or check it. I just hit the DXsetup.exe from the "...._CommonRedist/DirectX/Jun2010" folder and let it do its work. There ends my knowledge of it. Is it überhaupt possible to check if FFS runs in DX9 mode ?? ...Would it run at all if not ??.... For the time being a mistery to me..
Thanks a lot as always for any hint/tip !
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