Showing Some Skin

Hi, Rooster
Hope, that blue-sickness will be gone tomorrow; you want to fly this beauty, won't you. Great job!
CJ there are some great tutorials at this site:

I just started playing around with skins and found that site to be very good. Have not tried skinning in CFS3 or OFF yet, but did manage my first skin in IL-2.

Hope I Helped,


That's a real nice Liberator Polecat. I like it. More weathering on the wings and all over and you'll have a masterpiece. :)

I always loved that plane.

Thanks OVS. I'm experimenting with weathering but find it to be THE hardest part of skinning (though making bare metal skins isn't simple either). I'm still new to it all and have tried to switch focus to modeling lately. It's nice to hear some encouragement, though. As far as the B24 goes, I'm a nutcase I absolutely love them. They don't get the love the B17 gets, but they're pretty in the same way a pug is I guess.


Great paint job on the DrI Rooster,

- beats seeing them in red all the time - (Im a Chelsea football club fan!!):applause::applause:
Thanks for the positive feedback guys. I love doing these skins. Its fun, but it makes my eyes a little screwy when Im done. You skinners on the dev team must be walking into walls by now! Cant wait to work with the immaculate skins of P3. Merry Christmas all.

Showing more skin...

Here's some more skins. Instead of starting a new thread, I used ROOSTER's old one - maybe some of our newbies haven't seen them yet.

The "Wespe" (wasp) looks rather cute - I wanted it dangerous, but failed there.
The "Milan" (red kite) is mottled like the German WW2 fighters, but I saw, that some did mottling in WW1 already. Enjoy.
Very nice, Olham!

If you want the "Wespe" to look more dangerous, you could add some "angry eyebrows" over the eyes or the shark teeth that the AVG/Flying Tigers put on their P-40s
Thats awesome Olham. They both look great! The wasp does need teeth though. How is it going to eat Krumpets? I also love the mottling. Im going to have to try that technique soon, I always loved the way it looked on WW2 fighters.
Maybe we should make the old skin thread a sticky?

Here's some more skins. Instead of starting a new thread, I used ROOSTER's old one - maybe some of our newbies haven't seen them yet.

The "Wespe" (wasp) looks rather cute - I wanted it dangerous, but failed there.
The "Milan" (red kite) is mottled like the German WW2 fighters, but I saw, that some did mottling in WW1 already. Enjoy.

A close look at a wasp and you'll see the stripes, well, aren't.

They're kind of jaggy.
Olham, love the wesp, have you thought of maybe angling the stripes slightly for a faster, more dangerous look? Maybe even putting a bit of a lighting bolt shape to them?
Thanks, all. Good ideas there for the wasp- I'll try next weekend, to make it better and more aggressive (no time earlier on).

And, yes ROOSTER, why not make this thread a sticky - there may be more skins coming?