SOH Community, Colorado Help Needed


Charter Member 2011
Fellow members and Admins,

I was finally able to get in touch with Irene Wilson as she had moved and her phone # has changed. I received a card from her in response to a letter I sent her about Ed's CFS 3 source files for MAW, Korea and Solomons, as well as all of his aircraft and other items.

Her daughter and Son-in-Law have been back over to the old house and tried several times to dowload and copy the source files but have been unable to do so.

Irene has asked if it would be possible to have someone in our SOH community to come and retrieve the files.

The files are located in her old home in Grand Junction, Colorado. Do we have a member near there that can accomplish this for us.

Thanks for your help

Steve Dunn
O-1 Driver

I don't need to tell you how important this is. Without these source files we will never be able to fix the water in Korea and fix the Italy scenery in MAW. The MAW update is in extreme jepordy without these files.

I have no way of finding members in that area
in our data base
and i do not know anyone in that area personaly
i will have a look though
I've got me fingers and toes crossed....

If I still drove and had the $$ I'd take a trip.... It'd be real nice to meet Mrs. W and give condolences...
Yeah, it'd be a cool adventure!!!
Talon asked me to check in on this, since I live in Colorado....unfortunately, Grand Junction is on the Western slope of the Rockies, and I am on the Eastern side east of Denver...
Talon asked me to check in on this, since I live in Colorado....unfortunately, Grand Junction is on the Western slope of the Rockies, and I am on the Eastern side east of Denver...
ah i was just thinking of you
shame you live on the other side
I am in Pagosa Springs, south of grand junction. I also have a buddy who is a pilot for Great Lakes and she flies to most locations in this part of the country.

I can see if i can arrange to have someone drive me up there, as i am on crutches...but am happy to rescue the files on DVD and mail them to whoever will recieve them

Is there a hurry, time wise? can this happen over the next month? as i will have to ask a friend to come up and drive me up.....and need to wait for snow to melt...but i will do what i can....if there is not a big hurry.
This is just such great SoH community spirit. :)
I hope a Knight in Shining armour can be found to rescue this work. Ed Wilson put so much into this, it would be real shame not to be able to retrieve it.

I am in Pagosa Springs, south of grand junction. I also have a buddy who is a pilot for Great Lakes and she flies to most locations in this part of the country.

I can see if i can arrange to have someone drive me up there, as i am on crutches...but am happy to rescue the files on DVD and mail them to whoever will recieve them

Is there a hurry, time wise? can this happen over the next month? as i will have to ask a friend to come up and drive me up.....and need to wait for snow to melt...but i will do what i can....if there is not a big hurry.


We would greatly appreciate your help but do not want to impose on anyone. It sounds as if it would be a significant effort on your part to retrieve the files for us. Your offer of help is generous indeed. I think if we can get the files within the next month or so would be fine. Our only fear is that they may dispose of the PC before long.

Please PM me with your contact information when you can.


I realize it might be a last resort, but if they are potentially getting rid of the machine anyway, perhaps they could take it to a pack/ship place and have it shipped to the appropriate Groundhog member. There would be some cost, but it would certainly be less than $100 - nothing a small collection here at SOH couldn't cover.

That would give the team all the time needed to find what it's looking for.

If the family really wanted the machine back, it could be returned to them.

Just a thought. :mixedsmi:


Yours is probably the best idea yet, assuming the machine is still connected to the internet and the family is PC-savvy enough to enable (or be walked through enabling) the remote desktop client app.

I know I've spent untold hours trying to give similar remote PC help to my Mother on her PC. It can be really difficult if there are no real PC users on the other end of the phone!

Does anyone use this? Go to Start/ accessories/ remote destop connection.
Anyone that has more than one computer should try using it to see what I'm talking about. Try using it between yourselves.
Until someone says it can't be done, I beleive this is a solution.
I am guessing here but if they are unable to save the files to a cd
that route would probably be above them also
hence the need for someone to go to the pc
'though The 'ship the machine' solution seems phisically drastic, its really kinda simple... we could DO IT!
But what worries me is we wouldn't want to be hassling Mrs. W...
hi guys, I see what you all are trying to do, unfortunately I live very far away from Colorado.
my only help, and I hope it sounds no blasphemous or something like that, could be money if needed.
Please O-1 let me know, PM me if u prefere, I´d do that with great pleasure for our Community.
Best regards, Gianluca