Thanks to all involved, been running the FS9 model whilst waiting on this an I've certainly noticed an improvment in performance.
All the levers on the overhead (flap, gear, mixture, throttle, etc) are clickable and functional, just not the white knobs at the end.
I have downloaded and installed the S2F3 in FsX. The aircraft model is wonderful. Thank for giving us this superb model.
In the aircraft.cfg file I have added the following CameraDefinition sections
Hi Benoit. Thanks. I know how to make camera definitions for the aircraft views but never have figured out how to get the coordinates for the internal views. Can you please explain how you do it? Regards, Bob.
On my computer I cannot see the mixture levers moving in the virtual cockpit. I use the 2D throttle window (shift+3) to move the mixture levers. But I see no displacement of the mixture levers in the virtual cockpit. Can you show us whhat look like these mixture levers in the VC when one of these levers has been moved. Thank you for your help.
Have a good day
Hi Benoit. Can you see both engine mixture controls in the 2d window? All I can see on the far right is the eng. #1 mixture lever. The eng. #2 is not visible. Regards, bob.
I have the last beta test version; have not downloaded the packaged version.
I see both mixture levers although they appear not to be animated.
The FS9 version is animated and works. Maybe an oversight.
EDIT: I downloaded and installed the SOH file, and this picture shows both mixture levers, although apparently not animated.
Hi Milton. Thanks. I am interested in the 2d panel mixture levers. That's where my #2 eng. mixture lever is not shown. Regards, Bob.