SOH Team Project - Grumman Tracker, Trader, Tracer

It will work but you will need to change the spinprop.bmp texture alpha to be around 50% darker than it is. It has not been performance-tuned for FSX but will work. I fly it in FSX myself.

Thanks! I'll give that a try.

One more question and then I'll stop - Are any of the WIPs (especially the turbos) going to have FSX native versions, or FSX native props so that autogen and clouds don't show through? I think that's really the only thing about the currently released models that I even notice.
Thanks! I'll give that a try.

One more question and then I'll stop - Are any of the WIPs (especially the turbos) going to have FSX native versions, or FSX native props so that autogen and clouds don't show through? I think that's really the only thing about the currently released models that I even notice.

Euroastar and his group (Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations) have converted 2 models to FSX native (S2F-3 and E-1B) and have said they will do all of them. That is their choice and it may or may not happen.

You can find the FSX native versions in the FSX Aircraft downloads here at SOH and at Flightsim and Simviation I believe.
Euroastar and his group (Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations) have converted 2 models to FSX native (S2F-3 and E-1B) and have said they will do all of them. That is their choice and it may or may not happen.

You can find the FSX native versions in the FSX Aircraft downloads here at SOH and at Flightsim and Simviation I believe.

Thanks again Milton. I've tried the Eagle Rotorcraft conversions of the S2F-3 and they're great in FSX. I'll prod them about the Fire Tanker conversions and then just enjoy the released ones.
Bit of an update on the Marsh S2T...

Progress is slow because I'm muddling my way through gauge design! I haven't a clue what I'm doing and I'm learning to write gauges in xml and its taking some time... VC textures pretty much done so its just a matter of finishing the programming. Unless we can find a willing gauge programmer to take over... I expect I may implode from frustration :D
I'll post up to date vc screenies later for you all to see.

5 blade prop blur... I'll sort one. As for the transparency... not much issue in my fsx, not seen them eat autogen or clouds... I think.

As for fsx native ones... I'd love to see that, I could create some spectacular bumps for the turbo... Just drooling at the chance!
Hey folks,

I have a question about using the CDF tankers in FSX with DX10 turned on. I used DXTBmp to convert all the textures to DDS DXT5. After fumbling my way through it a few times, I got the exterior skin of the aircraft to display fine.

However, the left, center, right, and overhead panels don't display, and neither do any of the gages. I'm not familiar enough with FSX aircraft/panels to know where to start. Does anyone know what I need to do to get the panels and gages to display correctly?

The aircraft works fine in DX9 mode, but I was hoping to be able to use it in DX10 as well. I tried contacting the Eagle Rotorcraft guys, but I don't get the feeling they're actively working on the tanker conversions when I look at their forums.

Those textures are bmp's in the panel folder... so not much you can do in dx10 mode. (Aweful silly useless mode if you ask me, it wasn't even finished)

Without one of those programs like addonconverter or whatever the dx10 possie use to force the sim to run, I don't have an answer for you.
Hey folks,

I have a question about using the CDF tankers in FSX with DX10 turned on. I used DXTBmp to convert all the textures to DDS DXT5. After fumbling my way through it a few times, I got the exterior skin of the aircraft to display fine.

However, the left, center, right, and overhead panels don't display, and neither do any of the gages. I'm not familiar enough with FSX aircraft/panels to know where to start. Does anyone know what I need to do to get the panels and gages to display correctly?

The aircraft works fine in DX9 mode, but I was hoping to be able to use it in DX10 as well. I tried contacting the Eagle Rotorcraft guys, but I don't get the feeling they're actively working on the tanker conversions when I look at their forums.


You may have better luck posting that question in the FSX forum.
Also, take a look at some of the FSX panel folders for DX10 aircraft to determine what panel texture formats are used. Many default tend to use 8-bit textures.
Those textures are bmp's in the panel folder... so not much you can do in dx10 mode. (Aweful silly useless mode if you ask me, it wasn't even finished)

Without one of those programs like addonconverter or whatever the dx10 possie use to force the sim to run, I don't have an answer for you.

You may have better luck posting that question in the FSX forum.
Also, take a look at some of the FSX panel folders for DX10 aircraft to determine what panel texture formats are used. Many default tend to use 8-bit textures.

Thanks. Maybe I'll try asking in the FSX forum.

I tried the demo version of Addon Converter X and the FS9 version of the tankers show up fine when using DX10. My understanding was that Addon Converter X mainly converts textures to different formats, so, if that is the case, I was thinking I could just convert the textures on my own instead of paying $20 for a program that does the same thing.

Also, the reason I'm giving DX10 a try is because there is supposedly a "DX10 Fixer" being released soon that is kind of like the DX10 patch that FSX never got. How well it will really work I don't know. But if it works well, I was thinking of switching to DX10, and I really want to bring some fire tankers with me!

That being said, I think I will just wait for the tool to come out and see if it fixes the tankers for me. :cool:
Howdy guys,

Does anyone by any chance have the paintkit for the S2F1 Stoof by Steve Bryant? Looked everywhere for it to no avail. Recieved the gmax sources from Milton this morning for the FSX native conversion and I need the kit to create the bump maps and speculars. Credit will be given to their respective authors:wavey:

On a side note. After the S2F1 is done and completed, what G7 series aircraft would you guys like to see converted to FSX native? Also, the Dash 7 may possibly be getting the FSX treatment as well, it's an ongoing discussion and the result will be given later this week.

Thanks guys
Howdy guys,

Does anyone by any chance have the paintkit for the S2F1 Stoof by Steve Bryant? Looked everywhere for it to no avail. Recieved the gmax sources from Milton this morning for the FSX native conversion and I need the kit to create the bump maps and speculars. Credit will be given to their respective authors:wavey:

On a side note. After the S2F1 is done and completed, what G7 series aircraft would you guys like to see converted to FSX native? Also, the Dash 7 may possibly be getting the FSX treatment as well, it's an ongoing discussion and the result will be given later this week.

Thanks guys

I'd love to see the fire tankers in native FSX!
Howdy guys,

Does anyone by any chance have the paintkit for the S2F1 Stoof by Steve Bryant? Looked everywhere for it to no avail. Recieved the gmax sources from Milton this morning for the FSX native conversion and I need the kit to create the bump maps and speculars. Credit will be given to their respective authors:wavey:

On a side note. After the S2F1 is done and completed, what G7 series aircraft would you guys like to see converted to FSX native? Also, the Dash 7 may possibly be getting the FSX treatment as well, it's an ongoing discussion and the result will be given later this week.

Thanks guys

euroastar350, look on the page linked below, about half way down.

Just a heads-up. I am preparing 4 S2Turbo models for release this weekend, or sooner.

These includes a military version with 2 textures by p3aewguy, a civilian version with CONAIR textures by Marcel, and tanker version with 3 textures by Tankerguy72.

There is another version just created this past weekend, the S2A short bodied Turbo for CDF 180 that will be available when the textures are ready.

There is an additional version for FSX awaiting some panel/gauge work.
Just a heads-up. I am preparing 4 S2Turbo models for release this weekend, or sooner.

These includes a military version with 2 textures by p3aewguy, a civilian version with CONAIR textures by Marcel, and tanker version with 3 textures by Tankerguy72.

There is another version just created this past weekend, the S2A short bodied Turbo for CDF 180 that will be available when the textures are ready.

There is an additional version for FSX awaiting some panel/gauge work.

Fantastic!!! Radial are my bag, but these have props and I like the way they look! Thanks Milton, p3aewguy, Marcel, Tankerguy72 and anyone else involved!!! :salute:
Those look great! Thanks so much! :applause:

Maybe eurostar350 can fast track these to the top of the FSX conversion list... ;)

Thank you Milton and Team for another superb example of the modeller's arts.

The results have been worth the wait for sure! Modelling the turbo-prop a/c in FS9 has always looked tricky, but your visual efforts are certainly outstanding. As a complete tyro in this area and not wanting to appear patronising in any way, I do believe that you and the SOH team members achieve an amazingly professional level of expertise over all of the flt sim disciplines.

Thanks again guys, you give great support to loads of us out here in all kinds of ways - and in FS9 too!


I think my version of the Marsh S2T Turbo tracker (CDF) is the one waiting gauges... I tried to do them myself but I'm not good enough... so there should be another three schemes for that bird! (Textures were 2048 but I think Milt can resize them for fs9 too :) )
I think my version of the Marsh S2T Turbo tracker (CDF) is the one waiting gauges... I tried to do them myself but I'm not good enough... so there should be another three schemes for that bird! (Textures were 2048 but I think Milt can resize them for fs9 too :) )

These huge and pointy engines and the sleek rump of this girl in her beautiful body paint turn me on something!:male::female:

Thanks to Milton and the SOH Team for the release of these beautiful models. I certainly will enjoy flying them... and putting them through their paces. Those sleek engine nacelle profiles really change the overall look of the ol' Stoof... despite those long straight wings, fat vertical stab, and short stubby fuselage... she looks fast.
