SOH Team Project - Grumman Tracker, Trader, Tracer

Thank you Milton and Team for another superb example of the modeller's arts.

The results have been worth the wait for sure! Modelling the turbo-prop a/c in FS9 has always looked tricky, but your visual efforts are certainly outstanding. As a complete tyro in this area and not wanting to appear patronising in any way, I do believe that you and the SOH team members achieve an amazingly professional level of expertise over all of the flt sim disciplines.

Thanks again guys, you give great support to loads of us out here in all kinds of ways - and in FS9 too!



Thank you Mal. We are riding short handed now without an XML gauge programmer so that changes things from here on out. All the contributors work to bring together a nice package to the Outhouse and for that, I am very grateful.
I think my version of the Marsh S2T Turbo tracker (CDF) is the one waiting gauges... I tried to do them myself but I'm not good enough... so there should be another three schemes for that bird! (Textures were 2048 but I think Milt can resize them for fs9 too :) )

Yes, your textures and panel work are still in the queue. Your work has been great Firekitten and I will pursue its completion for proper release. Converting the textures are a pain but doable. I have not yet gotten into your panel gauge details to see what is missing or needed but will get to that eventually. Thanks
Leave it then, I'll convert them myself and send you both lots... 1024s and 2048s, sound ok?

I'm just sorry I'm so useless with gauges... With real life atm, one learning curve is enough to fry my head.

Panel bmps are all 1024, gauges are good for lights etc, flight instruments, engine instruments. Needs avionics switch, battery switches, engine control and start, anunciators... thats about it I think. In fact, if you can get the gauges positioned and sorted on the overhead, send it over and I'll detail it up like the rest if i can get time.
Leave it then, I'll convert them myself and send you both lots... 1024s and 2048s, sound ok?

I'm just sorry I'm so useless with gauges... With real life atm, one learning curve is enough to fry my head.

Panel bmps are all 1024, gauges are good for lights etc, flight instruments, engine instruments. Needs avionics switch, battery switches, engine control and start, anunciators... thats about it I think. In fact, if you can get the gauges positioned and sorted on the overhead, send it over and I'll detail it up like the rest if i can get time.

Sounds good. I will add the avionics switch, battery switches, engine control and start, annunciators, and overhead stuff this evening; no problem.
Fo rthose of you who have not seen Firekitten's work, here are a few shots of the completed exteriors and the panel work-in-process.
Out of curiosity, what type of engines are planned? Will it be aliased to some stock FSX addon's engines?

We have tried to stay true to the original variant configurations using the Garretts and the PT6A where required. Fliger747 did the FM's for each model separately.

Dave posted a nice recap some time ago:

I've been researching information and pics of the turbo prop variants for awhile. There appear to be basically three main turboprop variants.

1. The Marsh/IAI version Milton has done, which was used by the Argentine Navy. (the only military user of this variant) This version retained the vibration damper on the left horizontal stab and was converted from the long fuselage and long stabilizer S-2E/G Tracker. In my previous post, I included a pic of the prototype in USN markings still.

2. The Marsh tanker conversion used by the CDF, most of which appear to be converted S-2E/G Trackers. Notably, the CDF birds do not have the vibration damper on the left stab. This would be a de-militarized version of Milton's bird with a more pointy nose cap and pointy chromed spinners. Marsh also converted a few S-2A's to Turbo Tracker configuration as tankers, which retained the S-2A stabilizers.

3. The Grumman conversion used by the Taiwanese forces, which used the same engine (Garrett) as the Marsh conversions but had a 4 bladed prop and different exhausts. The nacelle is similar to the Marsh conversion. Notably, these didn't retain the searchlight.

4. The Conair conversions which used the PT-6 engines with 5 bladed props. This engine has exhausts on both side of the nacelle near the front (due to the PT6 being a reverse flow engine, inlet at the aft end and exhaust at the front). These were conversions of CS2F's and S-2A's with short fuselages and stabilisers. These appear to have retained the vibration dampers on the stabilizer. These also have the more pointed nose cap.

Just putting this out there to help clarify versions and available color schemes, especially for the version Milton has produced. Information is good!


EDIT: with reference to #2 above, I also produced an S2A variant last weekend that may be released at a later date.
Out of curiosity, what type of engines are planned? Will it be aliased to some stock FSX addon's engines?

And just to be clear, this is not some fancy FSX aircraft. Aside from the excellent FS9 textures, Nigel's custom TP sounds and Tom's FSX developed flight models adjusted to FS9, it's a basic FS9 package, so don't expect the kind of quality folks come to expect from FSX packages.
And just to be clear, this is not some fancy FSX aircraft. Aside from the excellent FS9 textures, Nigel's custom TP sounds and Tom's FSX developed flight models adjusted to FS9, it's a basic FS9 package, so don't expect the kind of quality folks come to expect from FSX packages.

Wasn't expecting anything, just wanted to know the facts about the power plant sounds that's all - View attachment 94353
Oh WOW!!! That looks fantastic! Can't wait to download them and fly around with these beauties!:applause::applause::applause::applause::applause:

And just to be clear, this is not some fancy FSX aircraft. Aside from the excellent FS9 textures, Nigel's custom TP sounds and Tom's FSX developed flight models adjusted to FS9, it's a basic FS9 package, so don't expect the kind of quality folks come to expect from FSX packages.

You don't do yourself justice Milton.... its easily better than a lot of fsx freeware!
You don't do yourself justice Milton.... its easily better than a lot of fsx freeware!

And even some payware...:medals: after looking at the pics in this thread. You all under rate yourselves, and your superb artistry... even you, Milton. Humble souls that you!

And even some payware...:medals: after looking at the pics in this thread. You all under rate yourselves, and your superb artistry... even you, Milton. Humble souls that you!


The "FS9" Trackers and CDF tankers that are already released are surely better in FSX than many "FSX" addons I've tried, some payware included. :salute:
My intent is to release the earlier mentioned package with the same basic panel look as the radial releases, albeit functional for the turbos. However, if Rachel and I can finish out her excellent start on the turbo panels and gauges, we will release that package as an upgrade to the panels in this release.
The "FS9" Trackers and CDF tankers that are already released are surely better in FSX than many "FSX" addons I've tried, some payware included. :salute:

I know.. I have all of them in my FSX install, along with the Howard 500, two of the very best. :salute:
