SOH Team Project - Grumman Tracker, Trader, Tracer

Wowsers!!! She flies like a Formula 1 Stoof! Quite different with so much power. And easy to land. :)
Great sound from Nigel's first class studio. :medals:
Excellent! :salute:


Merci beaucoup pour cet avion, Milton, trés belle décoration.

Meilleures salutations.

:applause::jump::applause: :wavey:

Thank you very much for this plane, Milton, beautiful decoration.

Best regards.

Thank you Maarten and JB on behalf of the team; I think you will appreciate that all the models have different personalities due to the paint schemes and flight models and model differences. Hopefully we can get the full package out with a new panel and interior in a few weeks.


Absolutely cracking 'touch and goes' at ACG's Duxford with an 8 knot cross wind. What a lovely lady. Outstanding Model from Milton; Smooth turbo sounds from Nigel; Professional paint-job from Marcel.

Thank you all and the rest of the team that have worked so hard on this project.

Look forward to the final version and the upcoming models.

Absolutely cracking 'touch and goes' at ACG's Duxford with an 8 knot cross wind. What a lovely lady. Outstanding Model from Milton; Smooth turbo sounds from Nigel; Professional paint-job from Marcel.

Thank you all and the rest of the team that have worked so hard on this project.

Look forward to the final version and the upcoming models.


Fliger747 did the flight models for all the Grumman S2 variants. He did a lot of carrier landing testing with the radials and the military "T" versions.
To increase my immersion, I have been playing around with adding sounds to the tank doors opening/closing and the retardant drop effect. Based on what I've read on the internet, the flow of retardant is controlled by the doors throughout the drop, so the doors would be constantly adjusting. However, since we just open/close the doors all at once in FS9/FSX, I pointed the exit open and exit close events to one of the stock flap.wav's, which gives the impression of some electrical motor opening or closing the doors. I've also modified a jet engine sound I found at and assigned it to the retardant drop effect. Hopefully the result simulates a sucking, rumbling sound I would imagine you might hear (or feel) as hundreds of gallons of fluid are sucked out the bottom of the plane.

Does anyone know what you might actually hear (or feel) from the cockpit during a drop in real life?

I have sent your question to someone who should know. Maybe we will get an answer soon.

BTW, I have not invested any time in the retardant dump effects for any of these tankers like we did for the F7F-3 tanker HERE ... but will try to do something for the full package release.
Rough and dirty, just as I like it... :icon_lol:

View attachment 94513

Standard FS9 light coordinates:

//1 – Beacon, 2 – Strobe, 3 – Navigation or Position, 4 – Cockpit, 5 – Landing, 6 – Taxi, 7 – Recognition, 8 – Wing, 9 – Logo, 10 – Cabin
light.0 = 4, 9.30, 0.00, -1.00, fx_vclight ,
light.1 = 5, 2.18, 23.55, 2.00, fx_landing ,
light.2 = 1, -5.27, 0.00, 2.71, fx_beaconh ,
light.3 = 1, -23.73, 0.00, 11.89, fx_beaconh ,
light.4 = 4, 8.99, 0.56, -4.93, fx_beacon ,
light.4 = 4, 9.30, 0.00, -1.00, fx_vclight ,
//light.5 = 2, 1.00, 35.76, 2.63, fx_strobe , //personal taste
//light.6 = 2, 1.00, -35.76, 2.63, fx_strobe , //personal taste
light.7 = 3, 1.05, 35.87, 2.67, fx_navgre ,
light.8 = 3, 1.05, -35.87, 2.67, fx_navred ,
Lookie here!!!

(FS 2004 Aircraft) (149 Hits) for the Conair S2F-T WIP.

As of 10/21/13 @ 0500 hours Mountain, this plane has had THAT MANY hits in 48 hours! This just goes to show that there IS a faithful following for FS9 models from Milton and Co. (Firekitten, Nigel, Flieger, Matt Wynn, and everyone else involved). For a WIP, that is impressive! I get white knuckles just thinking of what the final release will be like!

A 'Stoof on Steroids', and a very easy flyer to boot. Not to mention what those "streamlined nacelles" do for the overall look of the Tracker. A very clean, smooth appearance.... like a "whole 'nuther airplane altogether" LOL!

Thanks again for the sneak peak!

To increase my immersion, I have been playing around with adding sounds to the tank doors opening/closing and the retardant drop effect. Based on what I've read on the internet, the flow of retardant is controlled by the doors throughout the drop, so the doors would be constantly adjusting. However, since we just open/close the doors all at once in FS9/FSX, I pointed the exit open and exit close events to one of the stock flap.wav's, which gives the impression of some electrical motor opening or closing the doors. I've also modified a jet engine sound I found at and assigned it to the retardant drop effect. Hopefully the result simulates a sucking, rumbling sound I would imagine you might hear (or feel) as hundreds of gallons of fluid are sucked out the bottom of the plane.u

Does anyone know what you might actually hear (or feel) from the cockpit during a drop in real life?

You can't really hear too much of the doors opening, but most of all its a big push over with losing all of that weight.
You can't really hear too much of the doors opening, but most of all its a big push over with losing all of that weight.

Interesting. Thanks for the response! What about any noise as the retardant is leaving the aircraft?

Even if it's not totally realistic, I've found the sounds I added do a lot to provide some form of feedback in the FSX cockpit. Otherwise there's no indication that the doors are open/closed or that the retardant is or is not done leaving the aircraft...

Milton, is there any way to link the retardant effect to the event of the doors opening instead of the smoke system? That would allow for more realistic operation and also some different options for sounds.

This thing is sweet in FSX, BTW!

We did use a gauge setup to open doors and do the drop on the F7F-3 tanker. I intend to implement something similar in the final package. There are no sounds called but that is doable with a gauge change I believe.
Lookie here!!!

(FS 2004 Aircraft) (149 Hits) for the Conair S2F-T WIP.

As of 10/21/13 @ 0500 hours Mountain, this plane has had THAT MANY hits in 48 hours! This just goes to show that there IS a faithful following for FS9 models from Milton and Co. (Firekitten, Nigel, Flieger, Matt Wynn, and everyone else involved). For a WIP, that is impressive! I get white knuckles just thinking of what the final release will be like!

A 'Stoof on Steroids', and a very easy flyer to boot. Not to mention what those "streamlined nacelles" do for the overall look of the Tracker. A very clean, smooth appearance.... like a "whole 'nuther airplane altogether" LOL!

Thanks again for the sneak peak!


Don't forget to count the FSX user in there too! ;);)

I haven't tried this plane in FSX (yet) as I'm more inclined to wait until that one is released. There is a lot more "activity in that forum" and in my opinion, is a better place without me. I do like your screenies, TuFun... and usually find myself over there looking at and enjoying what you have posted in the "FSX Screenshots Here" thread. I also think that your work on Milton's FS9 Howard 500 is spectacular. I like the prop textures you used on your FSX screenie of the Turbo Stoof. :medals:

Hey Stuart, Thanks for the lights set-up! Much appreciated mate!

I just thought that since this was the FS9 Forum, I'd make a comment about it. I realize that some of those hits may be from FSX users... all the better. I think that for a WIP, the Conair Turbo Firecat is an excellent work, and that the finished product will be even better.:ernae:

I haven't tried this plane in FSX (yet) as I'm more inclined to wait until that one is released. There is a lot more "activity in that forum" and in my opinion, is a better place without me. I do like your screenies, TuFun... and usually find myself over there looking at and enjoying what you have posted in the "FSX Screenshots Here" thread. I also think that your work on Milton's FS9 Howard 500 is spectacular. I like the prop textures you used on your FSX screenie of the Turbo Stoof. :medals:

Hey Stuart, Thanks for the lights set-up! Much appreciated mate!

I just thought that since this was the FS9 Forum, I'd make a comment about it. I realize that some of those hits may be from FSX users... all the better. I think that for a WIP, the Conair Turbo Firecat is an excellent work, and that the finished product will be even better.:ernae:


What I love about Milton's birds is that they work both in FS9 and FSX! Minor stuff like the props is easily fixed. Thanks to hacking around his Howard, I learned how to fix things. Sorta! :icon_lol: Comes in handy working on Manfred's C-47 and learning something new on that one too. ;)

I've been peeking in the FS2004 Screenshots thread... impressive pics! :salute:
Rough and dirty, just as I like it... :icon_lol:

View attachment 94513

Standard FS9 light coordinates:

//1 – Beacon, 2 – Strobe, 3 – Navigation or Position, 4 – Cockpit, 5 – Landing, 6 – Taxi, 7 – Recognition, 8 – Wing, 9 – Logo, 10 – Cabin
light.0 = 4, 9.30, 0.00, -1.00, fx_vclight ,
light.1 = 5, 2.18, 23.55, 2.00, fx_landing ,
light.2 = 1, -5.27, 0.00, 2.71, fx_beaconh ,
light.3 = 1, -23.73, 0.00, 11.89, fx_beaconh ,
light.4 = 4, 8.99, 0.56, -4.93, fx_beacon ,
light.4 = 4, 9.30, 0.00, -1.00, fx_vclight ,
//light.5 = 2, 1.00, 35.76, 2.63, fx_strobe , //personal taste
//light.6 = 2, 1.00, -35.76, 2.63, fx_strobe , //personal taste
light.7 = 3, 1.05, 35.87, 2.67, fx_navgre ,
light.8 = 3, 1.05, -35.87, 2.67, fx_navred ,

Stuart, I like your lights setup. May I use what you posted here?
Interesting. Thanks for the response! What about any noise as the retardant is leaving the aircraft?

Even if it's not totally realistic, I've found the sounds I added do a lot to provide some form of feedback in the FSX cockpit. Otherwise there's no indication that the doors are open/closed or that the retardant is or is not done leaving the aircraft...

Milton, is there any way to link the retardant effect to the event of the doors opening instead of the smoke system? That would allow for more realistic operation and also some different options for sounds.

This thing is sweet in FSX, BTW!

Cant seem to find the videos, but there is a sound from the actuators opening the door. Probably would be like a flap sound in FS9. Not sure about the sound of the retardant leaving the aircraft as it is pretty loud inside already, but your sounds do add a nice touch.