SOH Team Project - Grumman Tracker, Trader, Tracer

To increase my immersion, I have been playing around with adding sounds to the tank doors opening/closing and the retardant drop effect. Based on what I've read on the internet, the flow of retardant is controlled by the doors throughout the drop, so the doors would be constantly adjusting. However, since we just open/close the doors all at once in FS9/FSX, I pointed the exit open and exit close events to one of the stock flap.wav's, which gives the impression of some electrical motor opening or closing the doors. I've also modified a jet engine sound I found at and assigned it to the retardant drop effect. Hopefully the result simulates a sucking, rumbling sound I would imagine you might hear (or feel) as hundreds of gallons of fluid are sucked out the bottom of the plane.

Does anyone know what you might actually hear (or feel) from the cockpit during a drop in real life?
Ok. I'm pretty happy with where I got the tank door and drop sounds. If anyone wants to try it, everything you need is in the attached .zip file. I would consider this a "beta", since no one else has tried it but me. It should be pretty straight forward and safe to try though. There is a short readme included in the .zip file.

View attachment 94380
I know.. I have all of them in my FSX install, along with the Howard 500, two of the very best. :salute:


I agree Blackbird... Milton's birds are phenomenal in FSX, I even went overboard on one of them!

Beautiful work on those repaint Firekitten!
Thanks... but they aren't repaints... they're ground up textures :)

We can thank Firekitten for some special texture work, both outside and inside on a revised model just for her efforts.

Hopefully we can flesh out this new panel setup to complete her package. :wiggle:
Milton has been a real sweetie to work with... He's a great developer and works very well with artists! I feel privileged to be involved even in a small way with one of his creations.

I think I caused the delay frankly... I started texturing the VC and then caused all sorts of nightmares by going a bit far :D
Milton does magic with gmax and he is quick getting the revised work to ya, even if the model is over eight+ years old! :salute:
With the progress we are making on Rachel's panel, I think we will hold off until we get that complete. Investing a lot of time trying to get the balance of the gauges done to wrap it all up and I am slow at the gauge creation thing. :)

I also found several small issues among the 6 different models and I want to get them all cleaned up.

We'll shoot for end of month.

I am open to putting up one model if you all would like to do some beta work.
With the progress we are making on Rachel's panel, I think we will hold off until we get that complete. Investing a lot of time trying to get the balance of the gauges done to wrap it all up and I am slow at the gauge creation thing. :)

I also found several small issues among the 6 different models and I want to get them all cleaned up.

We'll shoot for end of month.

I am open to putting up one model if you all would like to do some beta work.

Anytime you are ready is fine :salute::salute::salute:
Thanks Milton!

The plane is currently over in the inspection hangar at the moment. Hope to take her up for the initial flight later this morning. :salute:

Thank you :applause:

Wowsers!!! She flies like a Formula 1 Stoof! Quite different with so much power. And easy to land. :)
Great sound from Nigel's first class studio. :medals:
Excellent! :salute:

Merci beaucoup pour cet avion, Milton, trés belle décoration.

Meilleures salutations.

:applause::jump::applause: :wavey:

Thank you very much for this plane, Milton, beautiful decoration.

Best regards.