SOH Team Project - Grumman Tracker, Trader, Tracer

Boy oh Boy! Milton!! Am i glad i stumbled in here after a long while ( strickly FSX for quite some time now.. :) ). What a great surprise ! One of my fav militairy prop twins which i have always had a keen eye on to do for FS too ( i got as far as gathering info....:d )

Looking absolutely superb! Congrats to you and everybody else involved in the development ! :applause::ernae::applause:

I have a good mind of installing FS9 back again just for this but i couldn't help noticing a native FSX version is in the works already too. Wow!!! :salute:

If you happen to look for a crew to fly your lovely Tracker,Trader,Tracer ( or 'Stoof' as it was known here in Holland when it was operated by the MLD, flying off of the 'Karel Doorman' ) let me know and i'll ask around in the mess here. The're all seagoing boys (N3N, Turkey) looking for promotion. :cool:

Great to see your pension plan has been suspended, Milton, and you're fully back at the vertex grinder wheel again ! It's like the ol' Hotel California, isn't it...You can check out any time you like but you can never leave ! :mixedsmi:

LOL Jan. YOu never cease to amaze me with your knowledge of worldly things.

Being retired leaves us with a little extra time on our hands, but in no big hurry to get things accomplished. Yes, we do hope to "fill this gap" of the "stoof" family over time. The E1B and S2F-3-E now and the C1A up next, then the S2T.

Maybe someone will come along, grab the gmax source and add the other S2F variants as well (1 and 2). Euroastar is working on a native FSX variant of the E1B as we speak.

The Eagles had it right, and that has always been a favorite song of mine; loved the guitar work in that one.

Thanks for the kudos, and for dropping in.
Hiya Milton,

LOL Jan. YOu never cease to amaze me with your knowledge of worldly things.

Being retired leaves us with a little extra time on our hands, but in no big hurry to get things accomplished. Yes, we do hope to "fill this gap" of the "stoof" family over time. The E1B and S2F-3-E now and the C1A up next, then the S2T.

Maybe someone will come along, grab the gmax source and add the other S2F variants as well (1 and 2). Euroastar is working on a native FSX variant of the E1B as we speak.

May i kindly request on behalf of all the dutch here, also make a S-2F-1 version? The one with the radar on top of the cockpit? :kilroy:

Hiya Milton,

May i kindly request on behalf of all the dutch here, also make a S-2F-1 version? The one with the radar on top of the cockpit? :kilroy:


Marcel, I have lots of pictures of that one as well. I will certainly try to get that done for all of our Dutch family here and do it happily. You bet!

Yes Milton! PLEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAASE. (almost on my knees)


Okay Maarten, are you guys ganging up on me here with the "arm twisting"? :)

The -1 and -2 have the shorter fuselage as does the C1A so it will not be much more to accommodate your request after the C1A.
That's no unusual weather for our part of the world, right Marcel? Much of this year's Summer has been like that. :)

That's no unusual weather for our part of the world, right Marcel? Much of this year's Summer has been like that. :)
Right about now Maarten, most of us in Texas and Oklahoma would kill to have weather like that, lol.:salute:
My contributions to the project.......

70% converted to FSX native, still have some more materials and animations to convert. Having an issue with the tailhook not responding to animations using the stock tags, anyone have any ideas?

Standing by to convert the remainder of the models and VC when they become available.

*EDIT* I need new clothes for her:ernae: *END EDIT*
Thanks for the kudos, and for dropping in.

Well, thank YOU, Milton ! I am really very exited about your new project, here's a small token of my affection for the Stoef, from the days *before* i changed my aircraft modeling ambition from paper/wood/plastic to digital...

View attachment 48057

This may also show that, like my fellow countrymen, i am of course fairly biased towards a dutch MLD S2F-1 version..:cool:

If there's still a slot open it would be my pleasure to help out on variant conversion in any way needed. ( i still run a Gmax/FS9 exporter too next to my Gmax/FSX setup ) It would have to be work 'on the side' of course but i am so exited about this project and would love to lend a hand where ever i can.

Say, Milton, haven't seen any pilot figures in the WIP screenies sofar, if you haven't accounted for these already, i'd be happy to start with those.

Probabely maybe superfluous but here's some stuff i found in my internet fav's re the Tracker,Trader,Tracer.

Although a bit 'glassy' still a good all around view of a Tracker cockpit, some nice views on the seats too:

A dutch site with good Stoef cockpit panels/instruments diagrams in English :

Tracker,Trader,Tracer survivors all around the world :

Another dutch Stoof site, devided amongst all nationalities that used it:

And yet another dedicated to the airfield Valkenburg with abundage of photos of dutch MLD Trackers :

You probabely have them all already but maybe other afficionados might enjoy some of 'em.

If there's anything i can help out with, External or Internal, both my Gmax setups are available and my Corel PSP Pro X3 too. :cool:

AHA! So that's where you went, Jan. I missed you here!

Hehe, yes, Maarten, very much stuck to the dark side for quite some time now. I love the dark side. Even traded my flying overalls and helmet for a cloak and mask while flying my fav speeders. You should see me... :costum:

But tremendously happy to be back here ! Of course we were kept totally in the dark overthere about Milton's wonderful Stoef project... That might change any day shortly now that Euroastar has revealed his first FSX WIP screenies...:)

My contributions to the project.......

Far out, euroastar !! :applause:

Can't help with the tailhook anim at the mo because we use custom code for that. If you keep having problems with the stock tags i'll ask our programmer to provide you with a custom tailhook anim. ( do you use 0-100 ?... if afirm you might want to try 0-50-100 )

Far out, euroastar !! :applause:

Can't help with the tailhook anim at the mo because we use custom code for that. If you keep having problems with the stock tags i'll ask our programmer to provide you with a custom tailhook anim. ( do you use 0-100 ?... if afirm you might want to try 0-50-100 )


Thank you sir. I'll keep messing with the tailhook feature, a definate custom code can help me as well:ernae:
Interesting about the tailhook, as I am doing the flight test in FSX and the tailhook animation works just fine.
