Some new feathers for an old bird!


You know, the Aeroplane Heaven XF5F-1 is one beautiful piece of work to date back to FS2002. All it needs for FS2004 is a new set of clothes, a new propwash, corrections to the detail lines and adding some detail, some larger sized textures in some instances, and things I have learned using tuts from Chris B, BananaBob and Huub Vink and you have yourself one right pretty airplane. Thank you kindly gents.

For others that made have done repaints for this or for perhaps an Aeroplane Heaven person browsing, I have a question, is there a texture map in one of the textures for the prop hub? All of them are a dull, dark gray, so I am thinking that it is a default color in the model file. I wanted to paint this one red, but could nnot for the life of me find a texture map within any of the textures. Any and all help appreciated.

I uploaded these around 2:30 this afternoon EDT. There are textures for both the short-nose and long-nose version, both in 888-8 32-bit format. New propwashes were done for both the propblurred and propslow.

For those that have access to any good F4F-4 Wildcat Sound, make a backup copy of the ALPHA Sound fold in the the AH Grumman XF5F_longnose_NAVY folder, all other packages are aliased to this and paste the copy back. Delete the Sound folder and drag in the Wildcat sound folder. Once that is done, open the sound.cfg and change the number of engines to 2.

A very good FS9 freeware F4F-4 with a great sound package can be had here: Scroll down to the zip install.

Now why would I trust my airplane in the hands of this man? :icon_lol:






That skin looks SHARP! I haven't looked for a texture area for the prop hub, so I can not say if it is mapped or MDL colored...though I think it is colored via the MDL material settings. I am putting together a sound pack specifically for the Skyrocket using Lawdog's files as the building blocks...need to do some final tweaking.

And the plane is by Aeroplane Heaven, not Alphasim.

My apologies Aeroplane Heaven.

Corrected here OBIO, too late to correct it in the Upload and Read Me. My apologies AH mates. Very good old airplane, zooms about the sky like a rocket too.

Will do some fly-bys with the sounds I have now OBIO, have some of the default sound. When you get that sound package together, let me know, I'll test them.

Let me know if you find a map to that hub.

I am putting together a sound pack specifically for the Skyrocket using Lawdog's files as the building blocks...need to do some final tweaking.

And the plane is by Aeroplane Heaven, not Alphasim.

Even before I read your text, I looked at the picture and thought:
"Amazing what a good coat of paint can do for an old model"
Nicely done! :applause:
The modeling on the Skyrockets is not all that far behind what we see in much of the freeware FS2004 offerings. The VC is not up to par in terms of the modern FS2004 stuff...but it isn't bad. The way the plane is texture mapped is not too hard to work with....took a bit of time to get my panel lines lined up side to side, front to back. I really need to stop flying around in Golden Wings with all the lovely vintage GA planes I have and spend some time spraying some paint on the Skyrockets.

The plane is a real blast to fly, can be a bit tricky to land if you come in too hard...I have gotten nailed with a good number of prop strikes coming in hot and over compressing the main gear.


Just put the final touches on the Skyrocket sound pack....shoot me a PM with your e-mail addy and I will send it to you for testing. The sound pack is based on Lawdog's Douglas Dauntless sound pack...which is a pretty good representation of the Wright R-1820 Cyclone 9-cylinder radial. I have added canopy open and close coding and sounds to give the sound pack that extra polish it needs for FS2004 use.


EDIT: I had your e-mail already, package being sent now.
Sent up to youTube, probably still in processing, a test featuring OBIO's new sound, turn up the stereo! :icon_lol:



The AH Skyrocket packs are in the download library here. I uploaded, with permission from AH, the original auto-installers for CFS2, CFS3, FS2002 and FS2004. Aeroplane Heaven was more than helpful and provided a link to the original files on their site.

I will get the sound pack uploaded later tonight...need to write up the read me file.

And at some undetermined point in the future, I should have some paints done for the plane as well. Have two underway now with a folder of images to work off of....I will be taking known schemes from F4Fs and applying them to the Skyrocket....taking a what if the F5F had entered service and replaced the F4F in some areas. US Army Air Corps, US Navy, US Marine Corps, RAF, RAAF, RCAF, SAAF will in time be represented on the F5F.


The sound pack is uploading NOW! Look for it in the FS2004 Sound library tomorrow or the day after.
Not trying to steal Cazzie's thunder...but wanted to share some shots of my first nearly complete skin for the Long Nose Navy variant. This is my take on an Atlantic Theater, 1943 scheme for the F5F (I am dropping the X from the name with the implication that this plane actually become a production fighter). Still have a few tweaks to do, but I should have it ready for upload tomorrow. I have Cazzie's replacement prop blur files in place...and man are they a major improvement over the originals.

A point that I found interesting about the Skyrocket: It had small bomb bays in the out wings, 5 per side, to carry small anti-aircraft bombs (not sure what an anti-aircraft bomb is...never heard of that one) I need to go back in to my panel lines and add those details.


All this is exellent !
Now .. for close the loop ... anyone know the place for download the freeware AlphaSim Grumman XF5F-1 Skyrocket ?? :)
A point that I found interesting about the Skyrocket: It had small bomb bays in the out wings, 5 per side, to carry small anti-aircraft bombs (not sure what an anti-aircraft bomb is...never heard of that one)....


here you go,

this is the basic principle: an explosive device suspended below a small parachute or balloon. The length of the suspension cable allows it to be 'snagged' by the wing of an approaching plane, thus pulling the explosive device
into contact with said plane .....and......:pop4: ...(boom!) and :gameoff:
is the theory, originally a WWI invention, aka balloon bombs.

The modus operandii would be for a flight (or squadron) of so equipped planes to drop these in front of an approaching formation of bombers.

This would lead to either, some of the bombers being brought down by the devices, or, force the formation to change direction away from their intended target.

Obviously this does not take into account the presence of escorting fighters....



I uploaded the Aeroplane Heaven XF5F Skyrocket packs to our library. Look under my username in the download library (use the author box at the bottom of the download page). The original auto-installers for CFS2, CFS3, FS2002 and FS2004 are there.


Yes I know .. I downloaded the AH some days ago.
What is confused me (and maybe you !) is the Alphasim freeware model (this was this one I requested)
The news textures (By Cazzie) was for this model .. but after he corrected his message :)
Now .. I wait you next skin(s) and sounds :)
Thanks for the sounds OBIO :applause: :applause:

They're brilliant.

I just hope my neighbours don't complain when I crank the volume up :icon_lol:


Thanks for the compliment, but credit for the brilliance of the sound pack really belongs to Lawdog. He created the sounds, I just tweaked the config file for twin engine use.
