Some new feathers for an old bird!


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I am uploading the my first skin for the AH Skyrocket now. I have 32 bit (888) and DXT3 formats in the package. Look for the package under the FS2004 Repaint library.

I'm really loving this bird! I need to rig a steering linkage to the rudder cables and dial in a little pitch stability, but otherwise she's quite nice!

I'll post the steering angle after I do a little trig...
Second skin is nearly done...this time US Army, OD over Neutral Gray, circa late 42. early 43. And this time, I remembered to put some gun ports on the plane....gotta have a place for all those shell casings to fall out from. Will have it set up for the Long Nose Army and Short Nose (RAF Evaluation) models, again in DXT3 and 32-Bit 888 formats.

Tom, I am so happy to hear that you are tackling the ground turning on this plane....I generally have to slew the plane into position.


For steering (with the tail wheel) its quiet simple:
Just modify the first line in contact point for the steering angle (45 instead 0 work for me)

point.0 = 1, -19.6096, 0, -2.0063, 2703.329, 0, 0.4, 45, 0.296, 2.5, 0.732, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0
Yep - the steering was set to zero. But I went a little further and dialed in 70° of steering and added differential braking. I also noticed a couple of other, um, quirks. First, the animation is swapped. Engine 1 is on the right side and #2 is on the left. And then if you try to see what asymmetrical thrust will do for turning, you find that you just go straight. I checked the aircraft.cfg's of the three variants I have installed and they all tell the same story - the engine thrust is located dead center of the model:

Engine.0=0.000, 0.000, 0.000
Engine.1=0.000, 0.000, 0.000


I'll let someone with ACM or some such tackle getting that straight, but please do me a favor and remember to put #1 on the right. I can swap the engine gauges in the panel, but the throttle section will just have to stay as is. I can live with that...
I took the Prototype into ACM and did some tweaking. Will post sections here:

Engine 1 on Left:


//0=Piston, 1=Jet, 2=None, 3=Helo-Turbine, 4=Rocket, 5=Turboprop
engine_type = 0
fuel_flow_scalar = 1.000
min_throttle_limit = 0.000000
engine.0 = 4.77, -6.61, -0.65,
engine.1 = 4.77, 6.61, -0.65,

Engine 1 on Right:


//0=Piston, 1=Jet, 2=None, 3=Helo-Turbine, 4=Rocket, 5=Turboprop
engine_type = 0
fuel_flow_scalar = 1.000
min_throttle_limit = 0.000000
engine.0 = 4.77, 6.61, -0.65,
engine.1 = 4.77, -6.61, -0.65,

Lights (added landing light...stock FS9 one)


//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing

light.0 = 3, 2.2, -20.41, 1, fx_navred
light.1 = 3, 2.2, 20.41, 1, fx_navgre
light.2 = 3, -20.90, 0, 1.84, fx_navwhi
light.3 = 2, -13.55, 0, 3, fx_strobe
light.4 = 4, -3.91, 0, 2.64, fx_vclight
light.5 = 5, 2.25, -11.97, 0.05, fx_landing

Effects: All stock

wake = fx_wake
water = fx_spray
dirt = fx_tchdrt
concrete = fx_sparks
touchdown = fx_tchdwn_s, 1
startup = DC3C_start
windshield_rain_effect_available = 1

One thing that gets me is, when using ACM and placing the engine position, the prop diameter extends below the extended tires. It is set at 11.5 feet. Is that the correct prop diameter for this bird...seems awefully large. The Corsair's prop was 13 feet, and it had to have those gull wings to accomodate it. Maybe this is why I get so many prop strikes.

Many thanks!!! I'll incorporate the changes tomorrow - it's about time to hit the sack tonight...

BTW, I meant to say earlier that the Merlin Racer variant has its own Merlin sound set that's not too shabby!
lol. I just spent a little time with her, Nice flyer btw, thank you. Anyway, here is my set-up utilizing shockwave lights and nicks propdust all edited by hand. If you use the engine locations above the dust might be a bit off. I'll check it out tomorrow to see if there is any effect. I set this up in the Proto model.

Add to VC 01:
gauge16=shockwave_lights!SW Lights, 1,1,1,1 //shockwave light
gauge17=nn-gauges!MultiPropDustFXcontrol.xml, 0,0

Lights section:
//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing

light.0 = 3, 1.95, -20.41, 1.10, fx_shockwave_navred
light.1 = 3, 1.95, 20.41, 1.10, fx_shockwave_navgre
light.2 = 3, -21.58, 0, 2.25, fx_shockwave_navwhi
light.3 = 2, -13.55, 0, 3, fx_shockwave_strobe
light.4 = 4, -3.91, 0, 2.64, fx_shockwave_vclight
light.5=8, -10.80, -8.15, -6.00, fx_nickspropdust_dirt_s // Engine 1 dirt, dry mud, clay surface types prop dust
light.6=8, -10.80, 8.15, -6.00, fx_nickspropdust_dirt_s // Engine 2 dirt, dry mud, clay surface types prop dust
light.7=9, -10.80, -8.15, -6.00, fx_nickspropdust_gravsnd_s // Engine 1 gravel, sand and short grass surface types prop dust
light.8=9, -10.80, 8.15, -6.00, fx_nickspropdust_gravsnd_s // Engine 2 gravel, sand and short grass surface types prop dust
light.9=6, -10.80, -8.15, -6.00, fx_nickspropdust_watrsno_s // Engine 1 water, snow and ice surface conditions prop mist
light.10=6, -10.80, 8.15, -6.00, fx_nickspropdust_watrsno_s // Engine 2 water, snow and ice surface conditions prop mist
light.11 = 5, 2.80, -12.20, 0.00, fx_shockwave_landing_light_tail_old
light.12 = 5, 2.80, -12.20, 0.00, fx_shockwave_landing_light_light

Effects section (I utilized some payware here so you may want to use Obio's)
wake = fx_wake
water = fx_nicks_tchwater
dirt = fx_nicks_tchdirt
concrete = fx_sparks
touchdown = fx_ALPHA_HD_Td
windshield_rain_effect_available = 1
startup= fx_R4D_Cranky_Old_Bird_2

Smoke section:
smoke.0= -6.00, -10.80, -8.15, fx_nicks_watrsnoland_s // Engine 1 water, snow and ice surface types prop dust
smoke.1= -6.00, -10.80, 8.15, fx_nicks_watrsnoland_s // Engine 2 water, snow and ice surface types prop dust

Have fun, she was a nice find.

So far I have only seen shots from the outside, what does the VC look like? If it looks decent I will make some space in my hangar.
Ah ha, I was wondering what was up, I think Cazzie's repaints are missing some of the interior textures. Maybe I didnt' read the directions as I was eager to jump in and fly but I can correct this easily. The repaints do look fantstic from the outside

Also, I won't be able to chaeck any of my settings with Obio's configurration in place until Monday so if there are any issues when you try them, I'll be getting back to fix it then.

Ah ha, I was wondering what was up, I think Cazzie's repaints are missing some of the interior textures. Maybe I didnt' read the directions as I was eager to jump in and fly but I can correct this easily. The repaints do look fantstic from the outside

Also, I won't be able to chaeck any of my settings with Obio's configurration in place until Monday so if there are any issues when you try them, I'll be getting back to fix it then.


Lou, I only included the necessary textures to lighten the load, read the Read Me. One is to copy the main texture folder and paste it back and rename it, then extract my textures and overwrite when prompted. The interior textures are already in the pasted folder.

Hi Caz,

Sorry didn't mean to sound like I was accussing you as I wasn't. I knew it was probably my fault (and you confirmed that it was) as I just wanted to get flying so I moved along without reading the readme. The paints look great regardless. I'll just be adding the other textures in when I get back.

No offence taken at all Lou, if there is anyone more guilty of not reading the Read Me text in downloads than yours truly, let him stand and take his whacks! :icon_lol:

That skin looks SHARP! I haven't looked for a texture area for the prop hub, so I can not say if it is mapped or MDL colored...though I think it is colored via the MDL material settings

I may be making a mistake, but looking at the textures I found one where the spinners are, maybe if there are no spinners it will colour the hubs.

What do you think lads and lasses??


I may be making a mistake, but looking at the textures I found one where the spinners are, maybe if there are no spinners it will colour the hubs.

What do you think lads and lasses??



Many thanks for the help, but I save your image, resized it to 1024 and used it as a mask to paint the wire frame area red. But sadly, I still ended up with a dark gray spinner hub. :<(

I sure thought you nailed it looking at the background color and the wire frame.Guess I'll have to see if someone from AH will lurk this thread and help me.

Great thread, guys. :icon29:

You forced me to reload the Skyrocket from my hangar, and update the sound package and add the tweaks. What a difference.

OBIO, you mentioned you have some new repaints but all I found were the two by Cazzie. Are you still planning on adding them to the download section?


I uploaded a 1943 USN Atlantic style skin pack...has not made it into the download library yet. I will contact Douglas and see what it us with it. Also have a US Army OD over Neutral Gray skin just about finished.
