Spookster's Cape-to-Cape - better late than never...

A week later, and it's time to finish this great trip. Departing now for Jo'burg (FAGM).

Edit: control yoke issue on first take off run - re-started flight and duenna.
Just left FAGM. Weather was beautiful there, not a cloud in the sky. Lets hope it stays that way until you get there!
Thanks for the warning OPF, I'll watch out for that when I'm down there.

Departing now for the finish, FAYP. For the precision flight on this leg I'll estimate 3:28:00.
I found Carnavon out in the high plataeu of the Northern Cape, and crossed FACN at 2:07 into the flight. Wolseley NDB has popped up about 10 degrees off to my right (I've drifted slightly due to those strong NW cross-winds), so that's my final course correction. On schedule for arrival in Cape Town at about 3:25.
Well, no one can accuse you of not ending with a bang! :bump: In all seriousness though, congratulations on finishing the race! :ernae:
Great run, Martin. Navigation, perseverance, airmanship, and speed.

You have really mastered the Percival. Pretty soon, at the bar we'll be talking about Martin's Mew! Until Gunter arrives in town...
Well done Martin! Well, except for that last landing that is, hehe. Beers are on Austin. That's what I heard anyway.