SSW REPUBLIC F-84F "Thunderstreak" for P3D x64 v4 available

By the way,jokes aside,there are specific speculars for each diffuse,because is the way you have to do them. Maybe not so necessary if you paint opaque or modern liveries.
Every aircraft have is "name" on the left bottom of canopy,specific stenciling divided by nations,panels are the same of real one,and each panel has it's ID number.
Is very detailed and easy to paint,even if there are not so much paints to do...The painter was a bit avid and he did almost all schemes around.
Matt, our huge time difference does not help but here are some pics that hopefully show what you're looking for:

Its not a problem and totally understandable

im pretty much sold on this however Ive spend my fortnightly pocket money on a new rifle to solve an issue with some birds who have taken up residence on my yard currently attacking anyone who goes out side

next pay unless the PMDG 6 or Aerosoft A330 come out
Bongiorno amico,
In your F84F for P3Dv4 announcement you state :

Customers that want upgrade from previous FSX/P3D v2 or v3 can have a discount, open a ticket at this end, will receive a 15 € coupon, please attach a proof of purchase
What does that mean ' at this end' ??.....
I *think* i opened a ticket, 3 days ago, proof of purchase attached, but don't see any response. I only keep seeing " you have no support tickets of this type " ....
What exactly does one have to fill in at " Please select a department for your support enquiry " ??..... What *kind* of department ??....
I.O.W. a bit more information about how to get the discount for owners of the FSX/P3Dv2/3 F84F model would be very welcome.

Hi Jan,
"to this end" means "to this purpose"
On help desk there were 2 departments: one for "help desk" (which should have been checked by you) and a second "Tornado bug tracker" (now closed)
I'm sorry, i apologize, did not realized before that opening a ticket was so difficult, we have more than one thousand tickets processed, nobody has notified us such difficulties so far.
Warm regards
I completely understand your sentiment, and have never understood why SSW would erect this barrier to sales, but this is a very nice aircraft and your loss if you let this issue get in your way.
Hi odourboy,
in your post there is hidden the answer to your question.
It is a long debated question:
- to open the site to show all our products publicly or set a filter (i don't consider a "barrier") forcing visitors to register to the site, which is free and takes few minutes ?
Well, i guess our way will be more clear if you consider that SSW is not a business oriented company, we do high quality models for passion not to get a budget.
Don't need nor desire more visibility, our users, or better our "friends", are the best testimonials for us, you are one of them.
It is also a matter of how we are organized, we are a little group, each one of us has his own work, making planes in our free time, we could not support an huge set of customers, that's also the last but not the least reason why.
So we would like open the site to who are really interested in our work, filtering "casual" visitors.
It could looks like a strange way but is our way.
Here are some shots from the plane inside p3dv4:

Performance is excelent, but NO tackpack available yet. Can use VACMI wich is free now.
Hi Jan,
"to this end" means "to this purpose"
On help desk there were 2 departments: one for "help desk" (which should have been checked by you) and a second "Tornado bug tracker" (now closed)
I'm sorry, i apologize, did not realized before that opening a ticket was so difficult, we have more than one thousand tickets processed, nobody has notified us such difficulties so far.
Warm regards

Grazie SSW,

The problem is that there is nothing to check... It's only a window in which one needs to type something... And it's hard to tell *what* exactly to fill in there. ( i thought i'd get a good chance with 'F84F' ...
:) ) And that's probabely why you didn't see my ticket...

Anyway, i forgat about the discount and the ticket and just bought the P3Dv4 version. What the heck. Installed it and got the activation key but it's a long way to Tipperary... No textures....

All texture.cfg's read ....\SSW-F84F-TEXTURES\.... But there is no such folder inside the SSW-F84F folder. Only a 'texture.textures' folder with just the texture.cfg's and thumbnail.jpg's present in all repaints folders. No such folder inside the P3Dv4/Texture folder neither....

So, got the F-84F in P3Dv4 alright but they all turn up black... Do i need a seperate texture pack perhaps ??....


edit : Please Disregard !! Found it ! Sorry SSW, all's fine now. :encouragement:
Jan, download the file from this link:


EDIT: Saw that you managed it, but will leave the instructions if someone else need it.
EDIT: Saw that you managed it, but will leave the instructions if someone else need it.

Yup, found it afterall. Mea Culpa. Blame it on the Boogie. Thanks Flavio ! ;-)

This sure ain't no Ctrl/E and Off you go project. But once it works it's good fun. Lovely external and VC and flies great too !





Yep! No Ctrl-E for this one but the process is quite simple. Regarding the FDE, I believe they have done a very good job. The plane really feels underpowered, like the real one, and good energy management is needed for maneuvering.
SSW Airports and Range scenery


In case anyone doesn't know and/or is interested, there are a number of scenery packages available for free in the SSW forum which recreate a number of airports and weapons ranges. Great for testing out the weapons on your SSW aircraft, and don't forget the VACMI is also a free download now too.



had a quick look last night after purchasing it, however the up to 2 day wait for the "key" is somewhat frustrating after you have to go through all the checks and balances just to purchase the thing,

hopefully it wont be a 2 day wait because while its in demo mode which pauses every 5 odd seconds is some what of turn off
I will get back in my hole, the registry key arrived 2 hrs later, so it was only a few hr wait, however noting the time zone difference I guess it wasn't that bad,
Also, Mario announced they are having a vacation this week (5 days) on their Facebook. Vacation ends today I thonk ;-)

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What Am I missing

once the engine has kicked over i get this small flame and white smoke and im 95% sure ive followed the guide for startup



I turn engine crank off and engine starts to the centre pos and disconnect the GPU


i'll be buggered if I know what missing
Could be smoke trail from the Jato ?..... Possibly inadvertedly activated in the loadout menu ??....

Btw, i still can't get that loadout menu to work correctly. Does it work consistently at your end ?...

I can get the to load the weapons however i havent attempted to drop or launch them yet

i will investigate JATO, im 99.9% sure its not fitted as its not visible however there might be some that is clickled
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Use a default single engined aircraft first, make cold and dark, then switch to the Streak. I had similar problems in 3.4 and was advised to do it this way. Wait for the aircraft to be correctly initialized with voice confirmation.

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