Supermarine Seafire Mk 47

Simply beautiful.


WOW - this is an inspirational shot and a half! if there were a 'Spirit of Flight' award for screenshots this one would win going away
Not there yet Dean!
I have managed to open up the pipeline for projecting 2D panels, thanks to your help.
No need on the Seafire but I'm working on a Sport Cruiser that needs moving map and radio panels.


Will wait with anticipation to see how your 2D panel work evolves.
Awesome job on the Seafire..! :applause:
WOW - this is an inspirational shot and a half! if there were a 'Spirit of Flight' award for screenshots this one would win going away

Thank you, although to be honest, in this sim with this aircraft it's hard to do a bad screenshot!
Anyone else seeing Seafires everywhere?
<img src="" attachmentid="80039" alt="" id="vbattach_80039" class="previewthumb">
Spawned as static planes, don't know why...EDIT it was the
atc_parking_types ="ANY"
atc_parking_codes =""
lines in aircraft.cfg, commenting them out and I'm back to boring GA planes.

What we really need is a few 'period' airfields with appropriate parking types and codes so that we can have interesting aircraft spotted about.
Anyone know how to add these to existing airfields?



  • Seafires Everywhere.jpg
    Seafires Everywhere.jpg
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It's the CBFSIM Rapide, as an FSX Import :)

The Seafire should appear at any airport with a number of AI parking slots - the excellent freeware EGBW has several.
line in aircraft.cfg is also required - I can get eg Dino's MB339 to appear as traffic too, posting pics on the 339 thread.
An explanation on how to change those modern tubeliners at Duxford for other aircraft would be hugely appreciated!!

I tried but No joy :(

I disabled the generic twin-jet and the A320Neo for AI and enabled a bunch of other planes, but
a, the A320's still showed up at Duxford
b, the twin-jets all disappeared from Luton and Heathrow
c, Rob's Banshee showed up at Duxford
d, none of the FSX imports showed up anywhere

So I think Duxford is explicitly including the A320 and we will need to connect with the Developer perhaps.

And only MSFS-native AI works, which is sad as there is a LOT of FSX military AI available.
And which explains why my attempts to import FSX aircraft AI fails whilst Ship AI works.

EGBW with 8 Seafires (plus one more out of shot, by the Vulcan), 2 MB339s and just one generic single :)
I'd be interested to know how the AI parking is defined for this field as it seems to attract a lot of Seafires...
