Can I ask admin to remove my name from the database? Thank you.
one thing i never understand
is why you ask such a question
and it has been asked multiple times
you do not need me to do that
you can just walk away
but i have noticed that people do not want to walk away
they are pi**ed off
one thing to understand
the staff here are not doing this
for there health
we are trying to do whats best for all
we have rules, if someone breaks one
sorry you know the rules
actually Johanne knew he broke them
but what happens is you are not helping him
you are actually hurting him
i will see things as they actually are
pushing buttons and threatening to leave
does not help anyone
ill say fine go for it
i will not justify my results
if Admin said just kill off cfs3 forum
it could happen i do not want that and im sure you do not
if we wish to continue
i suggest we obey rules
if you do not like the SOH find somewhere else
the Staff is not the Holy Ghost
we do our best
dont like it go elsewhere
free world