The Eagle is out - DC Designs F-15 C, D, E & I Eagle

3 more skins are now available over at and





Love the Langley livery. Brings me back to old school days when I got to take a trip to Langley with ROTC, and the F-15C Eagles were reigning supreme.
F-15 Eagle Update #1 is out folks, lots of bug fixes and improvements. Some things are still under investigation ( why VOR / ILS not moving indicators despite being detected, for instance ) but most things fixed :)

DC Designs F-15 Eagles package Changelog for v0.2.0


Gauge performance issue in virtual cockpit that was cutting frame rates in half: Fixed for F-15C and D, improved for E and I models.
Canopy Reflections in virtual cockpit too high: Reflective surface reduced
Missing cameras in cockpit: New camera views added
I and D models hidden in liveries: Models now all have separate folders
Polygon shadowing on ailerons: Fixed
Engine start issue on runway, gate, apron etc: Fixed
Texture fall back issue: Fixed
Canopy able to open in flight: Fixed
Gear handle lever mouse-rect INOP: Fixed
Aircraft restricted to Mach 1: Fixed, now Mach 2 + capable ( further aerodynamic and engine work in progress )
Lights "move" from positions: fixed
LOD models appear at wrong times or too early: fixed
Polygon shading on control column: fixed
Landing gear lever INOP: Fixed
F-15E / I faint HUD: Fixed
Incorrect heirachy on throttle switches: Fixed
Throttles failing to move independently per engine: Fixed
Beacon light switch corrected to "Strobe"
Removed wing "G-vapor" effect due to general user opinion


New aerodynamics and engine settings ( with permission of and many thanks to enthusiast and modder CodenameJack447! )
New camera views added to Virtual Cockpit
NAV-HOLD switch added to cockpit
NAV SWAP switch added to F-15C and D side panels
Switch material modified for less "shine"
New afterburner visibility coding ( with permission of and many thanks to SilentG37 and Severus! )


Several FSX and P3D platform textures replaced, PBR added to cockpit surfaces along with weathering
Resolution of texture maps increased
UV maps re-done to support higher resolution without performance degredation.


Cockpit modeling enhanced, extra detail added to cockpit walls, canopy frame and canopy handle areas
Polygon and Ngon shadowing issues fixed
Rudder pedals re-modeled and textured


TAA mode still tears all and any projected-gauge displays. This is a current limitation within MSFS, and at this time Asobo have not issued a fix.
MFD Displays limited to what MSFS can reasonably reproduce, no FLIR or RADAR yet that were featured in Prepar3D versions, but working on replacements.
NAV functions coded correctly but sometimes failing to respond to VOR / ILS frequencies. Investigating to fix for next update.
F-15E and I still suffering from some FPS loss due to many glass screen displays, caused by MSFS incompatibility with XML coding. Investigating further
how to improve performance, with a view to ultimately re-coding displays in HTML for ideal compatibility




New aerodynamics and engine files for higher accuracy in handling and performance at all altitudes
More cockpit modeling and texturing improvements, further bug fixes as required, implementation of extra features and animations
Further performance optimisation wherever possible


Final sound package, full kinetic and stereo 3D WWise custom F-15 Eagle sound package from Sim Accoustics
Any required further bug fixes and refinements.
Video 2.0

A followup to the first video it gives a chance to see some of the updates Dean has listed above.
I won't say a review, perhaps observations is a better term. As it seems to be the only 2.0 video out there its maybe worth taking a look.
(my 2 cents is if one of Dean's beta testers could make a video covering updates..? or is there a real F-15 pilot who does reviews..?)

A followup to the first video it gives a chance to see some of the updates Dean has listed above.

Sorry, but Just Flight and I have decided not to engage with this guy Overkill anymore. He does point out some important bugs that still need fixing, but failed to read either the manual or the Changlog, which is kind of important. Much of what he says is due to him not operating the aircraft correctly - no trim on take off, but calling the roll "long", landing too fast and then saying it's the HUD's fault, flipping switches that work but then claiming they don't ( again, manual ). The guy's an amateur.
Sorry, but Just Flight and I have decided not to engage with this guy Overkill anymore. He does point out some important bugs that still need fixing, but failed to read either the manual or the Changlog, which is kind of important. Much of what he says is due to him not operating the aircraft correctly - no trim on take off, but calling the roll "long", landing too fast and then saying it's the HUD's fault, flipping switches that work but then claiming they don't ( again, manual ). The guy's an amateur.

I completely agree.
I think getting your message out there (in video form) would be invaluable. Staying ahead of any misinformation and concerns, perhaps by one of your beta testers or a blogger you respect. Similar to what some of the the FlyByWire developers do.
Best of luck.!
Sorry, but Just Flight and I have decided not to engage with this guy Overkill anymore. He does point out some important bugs that still need fixing, but failed to read either the manual or the Changlog, which is kind of important. Much of what he says is due to him not operating the aircraft correctly - no trim on take off, but calling the roll "long", landing too fast and then saying it's the HUD's fault, flipping switches that work but then claiming they don't ( again, manual ). The guy's an amateur.
Yeah, sadly, the internet is full of people who will do anything for attention. I remember when we were developing (Plane-Design) some guy went after our Spitfire that I had to repeatedly fact check him on (My degree is in Aeronautical Engineering) the aero, etc. Jerry Beckwith and Ed, and with great input from Andy Sephton (BAe test pilot and actual Spitfire pilot) a little input from me (I was loaded down with real world work at the time) developed the flight model. This guy who didn't know anything about any of that was telling us it was all wrong. I love your F-15, there isn't anything you're going to do about the whiners.
I completely agree.
I think getting your message out there (in video form) would be invaluable. Staying ahead of any misinformation and concerns, perhaps by one of your beta testers or a blogger you respect. Similar to what some of the the FlyByWire developers do.
Best of luck.!

Thanks. Yes, we have lots of official reviewers lined up who do a much more thorough job, but won't be releasing until most of these annoying little bugs are cleaned up. Shouldn't be too long now.
Yeah, sadly, the internet is full of people who will do anything for attention. I remember when we were developing (Plane-Design) some guy went after our Spitfire that I had to repeatedly fact check him on (My degree is in Aeronautical Engineering) the aero, etc. Jerry Beckwith and Ed, and with great input from Andy Sephton (BAe test pilot and actual Spitfire pilot) a little input from me (I was loaded down with real world work at the time) developed the flight model. This guy who didn't know anything about any of that was telling us it was all wrong. I love your F-15, there isn't anything you're going to do about the whiners.

Yep, see it all the time ( on all releases, not just mine ). The Internet makes "experts" out of everyone it seems, but few have any real knowledge.
DC, glad you didn't give in to this guy and 1000% some DCS players are the worst when it comes to aircraft knowledge "I saw a F-15 take off once, so I know everything about it now!", just spend 30 seconds on the DCS forums. There's rivet counters in FS, but DCS has another level. Any updates going to trickle down to the FSX/P3D versions?
Any updates going to trickle down to the FSX/P3D versions?

Not at this time I'm afraid, it's very hard to bring changes from one platform to the next, as the materials, orientation and part heirachies are completely different. I guesstimate that 60% of all users seem to have moved across to MSFS now, so it's also becoming really tough to justify more updates on the older platforms, but I don't rule it out in the future once things settle down, just not for now until I'm established in MSFS a bit better.
Did you solve the HUD collimation? If Would love to get some legacy stuff working!!!

Not yet. Collimation in FSX and P3D was achieved by leveraging an error in texture mapping in the sims themselves - no such error available in MSFS. However, there is the possibility of using a material known as parallax to collimate a HUD, haven't had time to test it yet though and not sure just how good it would be.

I think that these mods are safe enough to use, but they become redundant with each update, another one of which is out late next week which fixes many of the things covered by this mod.

While I'm here, custom sound pack is almost ready, full navigation suite now working, fixed the cockpit flickering, tons of other stuff added or improved :)