The Eagle is out - DC Designs F-15 C, D, E & I Eagle

Thanks Jankees, love all the Eagle images you've been sharing here, amazing work as always!

I think that you're one of the silent majority who "get" what the Eagles are about. I suspect GoNavy might be the same and is actually being sarcastic about the occasional troll - the Marshall Stack is the carrier pattern above an aircraft carrier, nothing to do with an F-15. :)
The product was released when it was ready for the target audience - gamers, entertainment fans who don't worry about every little detail being perfect to the real aircraft. Then it was updated as planned. In fact there were three updates planned, but things went better than expected so it was mostly done in two. This was all telegraphed waaay in advance via my Facebook page, but of course you can't reach everybody. My actual mistake really was underestimating just how much interest there would be and how many would buy the Eagles at launch. Still, I always wonder to myself what people were looking at with weeks' of preview videos on You Tube, dozens of pictures on the Just Flight website, then bought the Eagles and complained they "weren't what they were expecting". Anyway, Eagles are now very much loved by the vast majority of users and that's a result what good developers do - support their products and improve them wherever possible, whenever possible, so that they continue to sell and be enjoyed by users.

I should also add that so many of the reviews of the original product were done by self-serving, click-baiting You Tubers who clearly can't fly even a simulated aircraft to save their lives. One of them was on Legacy Mode and couldn't take off so blamed the aircraft instead of their own stupidity, another self-appointed DCS "expert" mis-flew and even crashed the aircraft and confidently concluded it was the aircraft's fault, having self-confessedly not read the manual ( as evidenced by their claims that things didn't work, when they clearly do ). Others claimed the flight model was poor, while trying to land on aircraft carriers with full afterburner, full flaps and the airbrake extended. The list is endless and I have no respect for any of them. They're not reviewers, they're cartoon-character fantasists with zero talent.

I couldn't have put it more eloquently than that. I for one love your Eagles. So much even that I won't try to land them on an aircraft carrier!! :biggrin-new:

Just my two € cents worth!

They're also customers. Have a little respect for that at least.

I do, as evidenced here and on my Facebook page, and the effort I put into listening to customer feedback and acting upon it. Many of the recent upgrades were made due to customer requests and observations. But when Z-list YT'ers trash-talk products in pursuit of clicks while clearly having no idea what they're doing, without reading the manual, without even bothering to do that, and call themselves "reviewers"? That deserves no respect whatsoever.
AGSM....Anti G straining Maneuver.

The Marshal Stack
The Marshal Stack is the holding point where returning aircraft are stacked while waiting for their Expected Approach TIme (EAT).

The Marshal Stack is normally located on a radial from the Carrier that will place the aircraft near the heading they will be on when lined up with the angled landing deck centerline.
The heading to fly for the landing centerline is referred to as the ‘Final Bearing.’

Aircraft will be stacked at 1000 feet increments starting at Angels 6.
Aircraft will be at minimum 21 miles from Mother, each extra aircraft will be an extra mile out from the ship.
Aircraft will be also assigned EATs at increments of one minute.
Aircraft must orbit at 250 knots at their assigned altitude and commence their approach from their exact Marshal Fix at as close to EAT as possible.
“302 marshal 170, 24, angels 9” / “Expected approach time 33” : 302 has been directed to Marshal on Mother’s 170 radial at 24 miles from the Carrier at 9000 feet.
At 33 minutes past the current hour, 302 should be at 24 NM on the 170 radial at 250 KTS and commence the CV-1 Approach.
Saying that someone is, or that something someone does is "ridiculous" is insulting.

I don't think you're going to get far with this one, only 11 posts here and half of them passive-aggressive. "Don't feed the trolls", springs to mind.
Hi all,

Sorry for bumping up an old topic, but I have bought the F-15 package just a few days ago, and after reading this topic I still have a few questions if you don't mind :)
I have read a part of the manual, at least to understand how to handle the loadout of the aircraft, no problems with that.
Also I could start the aircraft from cold&dark, no issues either :)

Now, I have three main questions I hope you guys can answer:

1- When starting cold&dark, I applied just a standard methodology, without following any doc or checklist. I could start the engines though... but then I noticed the JFS (or something like that, a medium yellow button/handle) on the left panel, which I didn't use at all. Isn't that system necessary to start the engines normally ? From what I remember from the Milviz strike eagle, you can't start the engines unless you start the JFS first... or is my remembrance wrong (was a long time ago, I admit :p )

2- When in level flight with the F-15C, around 350 knots @ 5000 feet above ground, with default loadout or with full wing external tanks, the plane does not want to slow down so much when I bring the throttles back to zero. I mean, it DOES slow down, but veeeery slowly. Is this supposed to be like that ? I have (finally) mapped a joystick button to the spoiler deploy/retract as a consequence, works perfectly. Just my curiosity about the aerodynamics of this plane ;)

3- When in flight with the F-15C, I notice the controls are a bit sluggish around the center. It's NOT a dead zone, the joystick moves in the cockpit and all other planes in my hangar are alright. It's as if there were a stability system that was limiting my inputs... until I reach a certain amount of input, then the plane's reaction becomes agile again. It's like setting up the responce curves to be very flat around the center, and very steep around the edges, see what I mean ? Is it some system I forgot to set up properly ? (like CATIII instead of CATII?).

Thanks for any input ;)
Another question:
I just did a flight with the F-15D. On the HUD, I cannot really understand the behavior of the velocity vector. It can stand a tiny little bit under the horizon line, although the plane displays a positive vertical speed (up to 3 or 400 feet per minutes).
Also, during a "dive" to my destination, the W of my nose was around the -20 degrees line, but the velocity vector was staying way above, between the -5 and the horizon line.
Should I conclude the velocity vector is in fact not a VV ? Or is there a setting affecting its behavior somewhere in the MFDs ?

I also had a bad effect in VR, but I'm thinking it might be an MSFS bug and not related to the F-15: When the icing appeared on my canopy, in the left-eye image everything was perfect, but in the right-eye image the ice effect was out of place, as if it were displayed on an "internal" canopy, overlapping with the canopy frames and a part of the main panel shade. Quite strange :/
Hi Daube, I can't speak to all of your issues, but I just flew the F-15C for the first time since the last two updates. In pitch, I have to fly it using the trim switch as the elevator is almost unresponsive within about ten degrees stick differential. Roll was fine. I can't speak to your HUD issues as I didn't have a HUD display. I think it has something to do with the repaint I was using (The missing HUD display). I'll have to look into it more.
Hi all,

1- When starting cold&dark, I applied just a standard methodology, without following any doc or checklist. I could start the engines though... but then I noticed the JFS (or something like that, a medium yellow button/handle) on the left panel, which I didn't use at all. Isn't that system necessary to start the engines normally ? From what I remember from the Milviz strike eagle, you can't start the engines unless you start the JFS first... or is my remembrance wrong (was a long time ago, I admit :p )

2- When in level flight with the F-15C, around 350 knots @ 5000 feet above ground, with default loadout or with full wing external tanks, the plane does not want to slow down so much when I bring the throttles back to zero. I mean, it DOES slow down, but veeeery slowly. Is this supposed to be like that ? I have (finally) mapped a joystick button to the spoiler deploy/retract as a consequence, works perfectly. Just my curiosity about the aerodynamics of this plane ;)

3- When in flight with the F-15C, I notice the controls are a bit sluggish around the center. It's NOT a dead zone, the joystick moves in the cockpit and all other planes in my hangar are alright. It's as if there were a stability system that was limiting my inputs... until I reach a certain amount of input, then the plane's reaction becomes agile again. It's like setting up the responce curves to be very flat around the center, and very steep around the edges, see what I mean ? Is it some system I forgot to set up properly ? (like CATIII instead of CATII?).

Thanks for any input ;)

Hi, the JFS handle is present but not connected to anything at this time. It almost certainly will be in the future though when the F-15s get their big upgrade next year.
The F-15 is a very sleek airplane and an "energy fighter", designed for close in dogfighting where energy retention is important, so if you don't use airbrakes ( spoilers ) it will indeed be very reluctant to slow.
Not sure about a dead spot to be honest, would have to check, but will make a note of it.
The VV is accurate, but MSFS has just switched to collimated HUDs so it will almost certainly need a reposition to be accurate again.
Icing in VR - interesting, one that I might check up on. It might be that the canopy also needs a collision mesh for VR sets to "see" it correctly.
Cheers :)

- - - Updated - - -

Hi Daube, I can't speak to all of your issues, but I just flew the F-15C for the first time since the last two updates. In pitch, I have to fly it using the trim switch as the elevator is almost unresponsive within about ten degrees stick differential. Roll was fine. I can't speak to your HUD issues as I didn't have a HUD display. I think it has something to do with the repaint I was using (The missing HUD display). I'll have to look into it more.

The HUD has a power switch on the UFCP panel.
Hi all,

3- When in flight with the F-15C, I notice the controls are a bit sluggish around the center. It's NOT a dead zone, the joystick moves in the cockpit and all other planes in my hangar are alright. It's as if there were a stability system that was limiting my inputs... until I reach a certain amount of input, then the plane's reaction becomes agile again. It's like setting up the responce curves to be very flat around the center, and very steep around the edges, see what I mean ? Is it some system I forgot to set up properly ? (like CATIII instead of CATII?).


I've experienced this myself and it finally occurred to me that it might be related to the sensitivity settings for my joystick. Like many I dialed the sensitivity and reactivity for the pitch axis back quite a bit in the control options. I've found the Eagle's pitch response to be much more manageable when I bring the sensitivity back up to defaults. Once I do that it will pretty much point where I want it. I still reset the curves for the majority of the GA aircraft but a neutral, flat line seems to work best for the Eagle.
