Hi all,
1- When starting cold&dark, I applied just a standard methodology, without following any doc or checklist. I could start the engines though... but then I noticed the JFS (or something like that, a medium yellow button/handle) on the left panel, which I didn't use at all. Isn't that system necessary to start the engines normally ? From what I remember from the Milviz strike eagle, you can't start the engines unless you start the JFS first... or is my remembrance wrong (was a long time ago, I admit

2- When in level flight with the F-15C, around 350 knots @ 5000 feet above ground, with default loadout or with full wing external tanks, the plane does not want to slow down so much when I bring the throttles back to zero. I mean, it DOES slow down, but veeeery slowly. Is this supposed to be like that ? I have (finally) mapped a joystick button to the spoiler deploy/retract as a consequence, works perfectly. Just my curiosity about the aerodynamics of this plane
3- When in flight with the F-15C, I notice the controls are a bit sluggish around the center. It's NOT a dead zone, the joystick moves in the cockpit and all other planes in my hangar are alright. It's as if there were a stability system that was limiting my inputs... until I reach a certain amount of input, then the plane's reaction becomes agile again. It's like setting up the responce curves to be very flat around the center, and very steep around the edges, see what I mean ? Is it some system I forgot to set up properly ? (like CATIII instead of CATII?).
Thanks for any input