Part #003
The first object 1
We select a box from the left figures menu; you will see a popup window where you can set the width, Height and Depth of the box also you can set the origin x, y and z position, the standard box is set with “origin at center” there is another option with “origin at bottom” (Picture 004). For our first simple object we stay with the standard setting and we get a box 20x20x20 m. After selecting the object, (standard it’s shown in “Part mode”) you see the entire object with x,y, z axis placed in the center of the object (Picture 005). Now switch over to the “Poly mode” (Picture 006), you will see that one polygon is White highlighted, -you can select the next or last poly by pressing the left or right button at the top “toolbar” or by pressing the left or right arrow at your keyboard. Next view is the “Point Mode” (Picture 007) same here with the point’s one point is highlighted white. If you press the button for the “movemode” you can move the white highlighted point only. If you go back to the“Part mode” you will see that you can move the entire part. Only different is the “Poly mode” you can’t move the highlighted Poly. Back to the part mode, if you press shift while moving with the mouse you will see that you move the axis only instead the entire part. At last go back to the “Point Mode” then press the “Mouse select” button and move with the mouse around the front polygons whilepressing the left mouse button (Picture 008), you will see, that the selected points are yellow, now you can move all yellow points together, if the White point was within the selected points the white point will be appear green, if the white point was outside the selected point’s the point will be still White and doesn’t move with the yellow selected point’s. So be aware while building a model, make sure that you select points before you move the point’s or make sure that non-point is selected (yellow) and only the white point is the Point that you want to move. The same appears for the entire object, you can select for example 2 of 3 objects by mouse select, the selected objects are yellow or green the unselected object appears blue or bright blue, again you will move only the yellow and green objects. There can be only one green point, poly or object. Mark: The green or white points, polys or objects - (bright blue) are the “main selected” but that will be important later. Finally, to "unselect" selected point’s polys or objects, press “Edit” at the top toolbar then go down at the popup menu to “Unselect all” (Picture 009) and click on it. -The option “Unselect”works only for one green highlighted point, poly or object.