The Dash across India...
I knew the Howard is a hoss, but this flight shows just how much of one. I left Karachi heading east towards Calcutta. As I believe in the only time you can have too much fuel is if you're on fire, I made a fuel stop in Agra. The Howard probably could have made it nonstop, but running out of fuel can also be a bit embarassing so I stopped, gassed up, stretched my legs, then took off again. O'course one can't go to Agra without swinging by the Taj Mahal so I swung by it before beginning my climb out of Agra.
From Agra it was straight to Calcutta. Real Weather was giving me it's usual over India issues, so I switched to fair weather for the flight and watched the countryside go by. Once I landed in Calcutta, the Men In Black were waiting on the ramp. Not sure what that's all about, but it can't be good. Ended up going Karachi to Calcutta all the way across India in under 4 hours including the time spent on the ramp in Agra.
Flight 19 starts our new operation tomorrow, so I don't know when I'll be able to pick this back up. But I don't intend on just letting it go either. I still want to at least see Oz in the Howard.