Left Holland for Dublin Ireland with a stop in Glasgow Scotland on the way. The weather started out really nice, but once I got over Scotland, Scottish weather took over. It was so foggy in Glasgow, that I just knew they were going to tell me IFR, but they let me land anyway. Although I must admit, it wasn't one of my better performances. I bounced the Howard pretty good on touchdown. Actually, more of a slam onto the runway than a bounce. But nothing broke, so it worked out. Then it was just taxi to the gate to pick up a couple of passengers. Only thing was that the tower demanded that I take off IFR. Sheesh... I just landed without it. Oh, well.......
ETA: The reason for the hard landing. I was too darn high in the fog and figured I'd have a hard time finding the end of the runway again. So at 300ft, I decided to try and make a dive for it. The idea was that if it didn't look good, I could still pull out and go around. I was already at 120kts with full flaps and gear down. Normally, I can pull this stunt off. I got down to 100ft and started pulling up. Got the descent slowed at 40ft and my 8 year old comp decided that it was time to make a slide show out of FS (it does this on occasion, just usually not at critical moments). So here I am, knowing that I'm still descending, but no clue as to how fast while I'm looking at a frame every couple of seconds. At that point I'm just along for the ride and was very surprised that I didn't get a crash out of it. Especially since I was right wing down a bit when contact was made with the ground. Oh well, you take your chances...
And in the second pic, I think the name of that church is "Our Lady of the Sacred Smoking Crater".