The next conversion project WIP

Thanks to lots of help back and forth in PMs between myself and DaveQ we have a workable solution. The culprits were two virtual texture files that somehow got into the model at some point in it's past (probably back in the FS2004 days). These files (identified by a $VC prefix) should only exist as virtual textures in the modelling program of choice (GMAX, 3DS Max, Blender, etc.) and they act as place-holders for the 2D gauges and should not be exported with the model. Somehow they got into the exported model and caused all the issues. Removing or converting them to actual textures using MCX means that the gauges disappear as the place-holders are now gone but the glass issues have also gone away because the gauges were actually effectively displaying in front of the glass at certain angles! Initially I removed the errant $VC textures from both the external model and the internal model and then had a mild panic attack when I went into the VC in sim and all the gauges were missing! :oops: :eek:

The work around is to just remove them from the external model but leave them in the internal model, the downside is the gauges disappear from the external view of the aircraft BUT the glass doesn't! I can live with that!

Here's the results:


Next up is trying to fix the FS2004 bare metal grey levels as they are coming in way too dark in P3D!
By golly I think we've got it Batman! :D

'Precious Metal' is a texture I've created from scratch using one of the other metal schemes as a base and I think I've finally found the correct values in the diffuse, alpha and metallic layers/textures to make the metal actually look like metal instead of being dark and dingy looking.

It certainly looks good in the sunlight!


Now I have to fix all the other schemes too!

Out of curiosity did you try adjusting the Z-Bias on the window glass so that it was higher than that of the VC texture. This should make the glass display in front of the VC (at least on non-PBR textures - I assume it behaves the same for PBR)

Looking very nice BTW


edit - never mind I just saw your post over at FSDeveloper
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I didn't know that trick so no I didn't use it! :oops:

This is what it says in the MCX Materials Editor for PBR materials:

2025-02-15 17_56_03-Material Editor.jpg

The Z-Bias for all textures is set to 0 (zero). Are you saying that if I set the cockpit glass texture to a higher value than any texture on the interior then that will fix the issue of the glass disappearing?
I may have found the problem. The dynamic vc textures are set to transparent in FSX which seems to be why they interfere. They need to be reset to opaque in FSX. Then all seems good and you can set up the glass as you want.

I think 🤔!

If you set the z-bias of the cockpit glass higher than that of the VC then it should be displayed in front of the VC

That is assuming DaveQs solution doesn't work.