Dear Carlo,
just came home and saw the terrible news of the passing of your wife. I like to join our friends and offer you my sincere condolences.
I am sure you will find all the strength you need in the coming times.
Best Regards, Walter
The T-tailer is the Satco Air SA-1, built by a company from Rotterdam/Holland.
Originally known as the SA-1 (Registration PH-1K9) the aircraft turned out too heavy to qualify as ultralight and was not flown with this registration. The aircraft was
reworked as the SA-2 (now registered PH-XAA) as homebuilt.
Stalled on first flight (February 1985) and fell back to runway. Development was halted. Registration PH-XAA was cancelled in March 1985.
Carlo my sympathies for your loss. My wife has passed her diagnosis of life expentancy. Had stage 4 breast cancer last year but got 100% of it out.
Now on with something different. This is from a famous manufacturer. It's US but not in aerofiles this particular version. I think the person who labeled it was wrong but never know. I do occasionally company profiles of all their aircraft like when we had Couzinet aircraft I did their aircraft. That's how I found this on the web. I think the markings on the right wing are 2331? I think the labeling might be off 5 numbers. I couldn't find any other info on this version if correct.
Chris, that last digit doesn't look like a '1' but could be a '4'. That would then be a Waco 9, and that certainly looks like a Waco radiator hanging there ?
That could be it. I found this just goggle "thomas morse S-1A alamy" I thought there could be something pre S-4 i.e. S-1/3 also had a pix of a S-4 mod. with inline engine. I don't have my Waco books here with me yet hopefully in near future. As I was doing "Thomas Morse found quite a few aircraft I didn't know about and not in Aerofiles.
Comments. Over to you if Waco or OH.
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