The Ongoing Mystery Aircraft Thread Part Deux.

Not really happy with the Waco diagnosis - fin shape, wings, etc don't look quite right. It's just that radiator. Where's Kevin ?
Okay then, an open board float plane...

No, Mike, this is the Tellier 1000. It is European though....


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Yes, that's the only photo of the Tellier 1000 that I could find - and I extrapolated from that, using such data as is available, to arrive at my guess at the 1100. Oh well. Tant pis!
I think I might have found the answer to my mystery plane "Thomas-Morse S-1A" I think it's a Yackey Sport circa 1925-27. So the "S" might stand for Sport. They modified them with OX-5 and all upper wing panel i.e. lower wing was upper wing panels. I found pictures with various seat configurations. 1-3seats. All the pictures I've found are different. Attached is one with same type radiator.



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