The Ongoing Mystery Aircraft Thread Part Deux.

Not an Emsco Carlo, although she can definitely be mistaken for one!

You are looking in the right area though...
The Emsco's predecessor - (Zenith) American Albatross B1 ?

If I'm wrong I'll just crawl back to my blanket and box of Kleenex...
If I'm right, then it is up to someone else to continue - see above + a hot toddy
If you can tell me how, I'll upload a bottle of my plum eau de vie. It produces a toddy that makes the dead walk. So for it, your cold should be no more than a stroll in the park!
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Not the Zenith Rob.

This one started life in 1928, changed hands (and names!) several times before coming to grief in early 1934.


I just found a site that spells out a different lineage for this confusing airplane and it appears that Zenith was involved.

I had it as the Mason Greater Meteor (In it's final version).

Going to give Rob the ale and move on from this mess as I am not sure exactly what it is! :icon29:

Edit again: I now see that EMSCO bought out American Albatross in 1928 so there is a connection there (Carlo!).

Since Rob is out of wack, Carlo, you are welcome to post a new mystery.

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It's them thar windows that are utterly different, Rob, and those weird auxiliary struts that look as though they have been put on the wrong way.....

I'm still trying to get my head round the fact that according to Aerofiles, the Mason Greater Meteor is a 1pOlwM !:banghead:
I must excuse for neither having such an interesting mystery as the Pride of Hollywood nor such a cold thing as the Zlokazov but rather a replica of a previously existing aircraft. B.t.w. the first aircraft produced in that state.


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After 24 hrs and no bites, Uli, I have to ask, by 'state' do you mean one of the 50, or somewhere else in the world ??
Uli seems to be offline, in another forum where he participates regularly no sign of life from him since Friday as well.

Hope everything is ok with him.
Sorry Boys and Girls ;-)
all kinds of problems at once.
Before leaving for a weekend trip I caught a Microsoft update (which I usually try to avoid because I don’t like these).
Saturday morning the SOH forum was down. En route I could not log into the forum as I couldn’t remember my password. :(

The mystery is from Bulgaria!
That would have to make it a replica Yordanov 1, aka Yordanov Express circa 1915. I'm unable to determine if the replica has it's own designation - web search has turned up nothing.