The closest I could find is Macchi M17 Idrocorsa but there are several things that do not tally...same applies to some french crafts but again same story.Sorry (ich bin am Ende meines Lateins)... from a country in Europe that is surrounded by water on three sides
Blackburn "Pellet"?Thank you Carlo for kicking the ball!
You are close to the right corner.
Built for the Schneider Cup in two examples. Both sank before they could compete.
OK this must be the 1922 Schneider Cup run on Aug.13 in Naples. There were three italian entries: SIAI S51 (I-BAIU) - Macchi M7bis (I-BAFV) - Macchi M17 (I-BAHG). However not one of the three isan exact likeness of the picture you have proposed. BTW the italians didn't win. The British did. Therefore "où est-il le mystère?"Not at all
Closer to you, Carlo, than you think: 440km from Arezzo by car (according to google on today's roads).
Are you sure Robert ? I've never heard of a CNT II (you meant probably CANT II) or seen a picture of it…Though my route planner differs a little bit about the distance from Arezzo I think this is the CNT II built in Trieste.