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The MB.411 was developed from the MB.35. The significant distinction between the MB.35/MB.41 and the MB.411 is that the latter had a single float - presumably to enable it to fit, wingless, into the hangar on the Surcouf.
As Mike notes, two MB.411s were built. There was the best part of three years between them. Thus it would be logical to assume that the second did not slavishly replicate the first but took account of aeronautical developments over that three year period - which may account for the tail feather differences between them.
Moving away from the sea - and certainly matters submarinal - here's another biplane from the same period with a very proud wee laddie standing in front of it.

As Mike notes, two MB.411s were built. There was the best part of three years between them. Thus it would be logical to assume that the second did not slavishly replicate the first but took account of aeronautical developments over that three year period - which may account for the tail feather differences between them.
Moving away from the sea - and certainly matters submarinal - here's another biplane from the same period with a very proud wee laddie standing in front of it.