The Swordfish Needs Your Help If You're a 3D Modeler!

Cool! Thanks Ted. Yes, I was referring to pylons that look like those installed on the actual aircraft, I think the main ones are a bomb rack for three 250lb bombs or depth charges and rocket rails with the protective plate between them and the fabric of the wings. The radar is a three part deal, with a radome below and an antenna on each side on the outer strutt of the wings. The middle seat has a fairing over it to partially enclose it. Here's a pic I found after a quick look that show the radar and rockets, I'll try to find some better ones soon.
Thanks for looking into it!

I am shure I have seen this variant in cfs3 before, can't seem to find it at the present time.
Yep, I posted the link above as well. It's just based on a rather dated version. Much more detail in this one.
Can't wait! :encouragement:

The FAA has suspended all Swordfish operations until they receive props! Don't know how they were getting by without

I've got Gladiators protecting all inbound maritime traffic to Malta to make sure the props get through!
Add me to the list of thankful people, the Swordfish is a greatly underappreciated model in CFS3 that needs two things - a propeller and more skins. And more skins aren't all that important in comparison.
Indeed. I just couldn't bring myself to fly it without that, as nice as the rest of it looked.

Fortunately, there is a paintkit :jump: so more skins there shall be. I have a few in mind that I plan to do, and I am open to suggestions for others.
Thanks for doing this. I got the wheeled versions updated this afternoon and they look great.

If we get a prop for the float version I'll release an update for the look alike K5Y2 Willow too.

It also motivated me to create a stand alone version of the GC Swordfish with the Mk3 pylon pack installed as well.

That's a good swordfish you have there...awesome model ! :applause:
(sorry OOT, do you stil texturing the PE model major? i would like to have yours skin model :very_drunk: )

and thanks ppl for updating the swordfish :applouse:
Radar version

Ok then we do not need a radar version any longer so I just put a prop on the floater and get her out. I also see the pylons so were all good then except for the prop.
Well, the radar and pylons we have available work well with the GC version of the Swordfish, but not the DR version that is in MAW, and ETO. I'm happy enough with that, but others might want something new for the DR version too.
So there would be three different versions of a Mk I/II - a two seater on wheels, a three seater on wheels and a three seater with floats, and extra pylons to create the Mk III? Sounds like a very good plan to me. :encouragement:
Peronally, I would love to see a radar equipped Mk.III version of the new model, but it's up to Ted if he wants to do it.
Ok let me get this

The GC version is different form the ETO and MAW - the latter two did not have the prop and the GC version is available at REGS Hanger. Is that correct? Since Mathias was part of GC and the ETO/MAW is his model too not sure why there are two versions around unless he redid the GC version for ETO/MAW.

The GC version is different form the ETO and MAW - the latter two did not have the prop and the GC version is available at REGS Hanger. Is that correct?

As correct as can be. Technically there's no ETO version as both of them (three seater onwheels, three seater onfloats) in ETO are direct copies from MAW, the two seater on wheels having been left out in the process for some reason.

I guess the GC model is around mainly because it was made back in the day so why get rid of it. The MAW version is clearly superior though but that's not a surprise of any kind.
Yep, like greycap said. I believe the GC version was converted from a CFS2 model, and Mathias either did a major overhaul of it for MAW or made a completely new model, minus the prop.