I've tried your mods, but in doing so I loose the ability to click and drag the throttles, or use the mouse wheel, so I'm afraid I can't recommend them.
Looking in the SDK, the commands "AXIS_THROTTLE1_DECR_SMALL" etc are not listed, although neither is the original "THROTTLE1_DECR_SMALL"
"THROTTLE1_DECREASE_SMALL_EX1" seems to be the correct command now, have you tried that?
Hi Dave, I finally found a cure for this on the flightsimulator.com SDK forums (while looking for something else of course). It's a small section of code to add to the vc.xml (or interior.xml in other aircraft) in the model folder:
Scroll down to the <Behaviors> section and add this code:
<Include Path="Asobo\Common.xml"/>
<Component ID="ENGINE">
<UseTemplate Name="ASOBO_ENGINE_Lever_Throttle_Template">
<UseTemplate Name="ASOBO_ENGINE_Lever_Throttle_Template">
Save and close vc.xml, and the throttle lever animations are now working again. This works with up to 4 levers, as below:
<Include Path="Asobo\Common.xml"/>
<Component ID="ENGINE">
<UseTemplate Name="ASOBO_ENGINE_Lever_Throttle_Template">
<UseTemplate Name="ASOBO_ENGINE_Lever_Throttle_Template">
<UseTemplate Name="ASOBO_ENGINE_Lever_Throttle_Template">
<UseTemplate Name="ASOBO_ENGINE_Lever_Throttle_Template">