There's Nothing Like Fresh Mesh ...

Milton Shupe

Staff Contributor
Staff member
... to get a simmer's heart going. :)

Since my other "filler project" is about wrapped up, I thought I would try this one.

After several days of trying to find decent 3-views for a Grumman Mallard, I finally stumbled upon two.
One was original factory drawings with good dimensional data, wing specs, and CoG, incidence, and a few other nice to have thingies. :)

The other drawing is more precise but has only a side view, tails, seats, and landing gear.

Anyhow, even without cross-sections, it was enough to do a decent modeling job.

So, water lovers, it will be a while, but it's coming. My thinking is to do a basic model, without a VC for an initial release, and maybe later, a VC can be added.
But, that's a ways down the road.
My thinking is to do a basic model, without a VC for an initial release, and maybe later, a VC can be added.

If an FSX model could be created (in parallel), people could then easily splice in the default Goose VC which would suffice for many.
OMG !! This is fantastic news Milton! :jump:

I'm sure someone will step up for the FSX native side; at least I hope along with you Sir. :)

Grat news! Looking forward to it.
Have you seen this manuals? Plenty of informations that could be helpful maybe.


Alberto, thank you for this gift. I had not found the manuals. :applause:

Great news !!! :jump:

I thought you might like that news :)

This one will float in FS9, guaranteed! :wiggle:
Really looking forward to seeing this one being built... thank you Milton for taking this on!

-- Alan :applause:

The other "filler project" that's just about wrapped up -- is that the A-20 Havoc ??

If not, can you enlighten us with further news on that project ??

Thank You.

The other "filler project" that's just about wrapped up -- is that the A-20 Havoc ??

If not, can you enlighten us with further news on that project ??

Thank You.

No, sorry glh. It is the HMS Bounty.

As much as I have been wanting to start the A-20 Havoc, I will not until the Harpoons, the military and civilian Lodestars, and the Vega Ventura are released.
Only then will there be sufficient time to do the Havoc justice. :)

BTW, I am also helping get a Rockwell Commander 685 ready. You can see that down in the Design Forum. The modeling for that is pretty well done, along with the mapping and VC.
This is rotohub's project for native FSX and I am doing the FS9 side. Tom Falley did the flight model for it. It is a great aircraft.
LOL Thanks guys.

Invested today in cleaning up the fuselage mesh, getting the windows and nose shaped correctly, and building the vtail and rudder.

I am satisfied with the progress with how she is shaping up so I will keep on keepin' on. :)
Hi Milton --

BING has a limited lot of pics of the Mallard's "pit", but there might be something there, amongst all the other stuff, you can use.


Thanks BB686. I have 2 really nice panel shots but nothing on the rest of the cockpit walls, ceiling, back panels. Maybe they will surface before I get to the VC. :)

EDIT: I hope to focus on the horizontal stabilizer and wings today.
You do want to just reach out and stroke it, don't you :)
Like many a master craftsman, you make it look so effortless, Milton.
Great to watch.