There's Nothing Like Fresh Mesh ...

Making decent headway this Sunday morning with foreward hull hatch, nose gear doors, windows, and passenger door, and an interior shell.

Next up, engines :)
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Thanks folks :)

As planned, working now on engine nacelles, cowl flaps, and upper exhaust port.

Hope the get the engine installed with props before the sun sets. :)
As planned, engines and props by sundown. :)

Must do the prop mesh and then on to those interesting main gear components. :)
That is going to take a while I suspect. LOL
Mallard Video

Nice looking Mallard (so far). I made a video that might tide the troops over until you finish your model. Link: . No explanations required, I hope. The video shows it all. Nice part is that it does NOT crash on water landing, turns, or take off which is prime. Cheers.
Chuck B
Beautiful work, Milton - and in such a short time frame. I have GOT to learn how to build planes. :banghead:
There's only few fs2004 developers left, but those few do most interesting flying, floating, running, or just standing on the ground stuff. And everything is of most excellent quality :applause:
What a lovely plane this is going to be! :jump:
Let's hope so; we need a fresh update for this aircraft With projects we have going, I am working fast to get this one out the door in a basic mode and I hope someone here will step up to paint it once available. If that will happen, I can probably get the panel and gauges together (will someone paint the vc panels for me once I provide the templates?) and we can have it in your hands in short order.

Beautiful work, Milton - and in such a short time frame. I have GOT to learn how to build planes. :banghead:
You really should. It's a great retirement past-time. :)

There's only few fs2004 developers left, but those few do most interesting flying, floating, running, or just standing on the ground stuff. And everything is of most excellent quality :applause:

That's very kind of you Sir. I am happy to be doing it as well. :)

Last night and today, the focus has been on building the nose gear and the wing floats. Got her exported to FS9 and flying in FSX too :)
Awesome! A plane that has been, to me, overlooked in FS. Thanks for the previews, it looks great. :)
Such a class act . .

Well, I wanted to get the main gear started two days ago but other stuff needed to get done first.

With the exterior model now mainly completed, and the key element added (the wing fairing), I can now work on the main gear assembly. :)

Is there anything we can do to give you a hand, like looking for photos, Tech Info, or other stuff like that?
If there is, please let us know!

Hope one of the outstanding Repainters out there will hop on board, and give the Mallard an awesome skin (or many)!

-- Alan :applause: