Making decent headway this Sunday morning with foreward hull hatch, nose gear doors, windows, and passenger door, and an interior shell.
Next up, engines
Next up, engines
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Milton .... all I can say is .....
As planned, engines and props by sundown.
Must do the prop mesh and then on to those interesting main gear components.
That is going to take a while I suspect. LOL
Let's hope so; we need a fresh update for this aircraft With projects we have going, I am working fast to get this one out the door in a basic mode and I hope someone here will step up to paint it once available. If that will happen, I can probably get the panel and gauges together (will someone paint the vc panels for me once I provide the templates?) and we can have it in your hands in short order.What a lovely plane this is going to be!![]()
You really should. It's a great retirement past-time.Beautiful work, Milton - and in such a short time frame. I have GOT to learn how to build planes.![]()
There's only few fs2004 developers left, but those few do most interesting flying, floating, running, or just standing on the ground stuff. And everything is of most excellent quality![]()
Such fine work and in such short order ! !![]()